from Austin Street
Tuesday! All is well here at 811.
Tonight I am writing about God being light. I was thinking about this and
remembered that we are about to leave for Alaska where it is daylight for about
18 hours each day. I looked it up. Sunrise begins around 4: 15 AM and sunset is
around 9:40 PM. I have been told that we are going to experience “God’s
country.” Lots of light! There’s got to be a sermon in this!
Dear God,
your love for me lights up my life. I praise your holy name. Thank you for
using everything for good in my life. Your love and unfailing presence gives me
hope for the days to come. Lord, please
continue to help and be present for Allison as she faces another surgery very
soon. I ask for healing in Jesus’ name for her. Thank you Lord. I love you
Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
For a time
during seminary we were encouraged to have a regular meeting with a spiritual
director. I met with a wonderful pastor as the church near campus where she was
serving as interim pastor. At the beginning of each conversation she would light
a candle. After announcements have been
made before worship begins at Rush Creek a child walks with our pastor carrying
the lit oil lamp and places it on the Lord’s Table. Both of these traditions
signify the beginning of a time of holiness with God and God’s people and that the
light of Christ has entered the space.
identifies God as light. In Isaiah 9, “The people who walked in darkness have
seen a great light.” And John 8, “I am the world’s Light.” The best part about light is that following
or standing in light makes stumbling nearly impossible. When we stand in the light of God we are
bathed in the glow of perfect love provided by God. The light of God is bright
enough to eliminate any darkness that might be going on with us. In a tabernacle there is a perpetual lamp
that would never go out. It was placed there to remind people of the ever-present
light of God. As one who has been kind
of afraid of the dark all of my life, light is very important to me. So tonight before I read my scripture verses,
the meditation and had a brief prayer before I began to write I lit a candle. I
lit the candle to remind me as I meet with God that God is present and the
nature of God is light.
“Jesus once again addressed them, “I am the world’s
Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty
of light to live in.”
John 8: 12
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great
light. For those who lived in a land of deep shadows—light! Sunbursts of light!
Isaiah 9: 2
Take joy in
the journey and walk in the light of the presence of God. Wear comfortable
shoes, get some sleep and just like Motel 6…leave the light on. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene
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