Thursday, May 15, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Thursday!  All is well here at 811.  It has been a long day. I spent the morning at the Cancer Center. I spent an hour getting mapped and prepared for the radiation treatment. Lots of pictures, a road map of colored markers all over my chest and 4 tattoos.  The most difficult part of the morning was the hour spent on my back on the hard table with my arms above my head and not being allowed to move until just before the tattooing. I really mean I was not allowed to move except to breathe. I think the best words I heard today were “You can move your arms now.”  Arms cramped and fingers went numb. I prayed to be able to endure.I had not anticipated this being so hard and that I would be so emotional. After this hour long procedure I waited out in the hall for my turn in the treatment room. The tears began to flow from exhaustion, relief and the feeling of extreme vulnerability. I was thankful that I had brought with me a cup of Zen Tea from Starbucks and Bruce and Geni. I did not think I really needed them there, but I was wrong.  In the treatment room I was back on a hard table with my arms over my head once again. Shortly after the radiation began the two techs said, “Hold on and stay still. We are having a computer problem.”  My thought was “Oh no, this is going to take longer than the 15-20 minutes.”  The problem was quickly fixed and radiation continued. I closed my eyes continuing to pray and sing quietly and before long I opened my eyes and all of the lights were on and the machine that had been rotating around me was out of sight and I was finished. The people that work with me are so very nice and very encouraging. Tomorrow will be better.  1 treatment down and 33 to go.

Dear God, show me someone to help today. I pray  that I can truly have an impact on the world, by loving people the way you love them. Help me to help others walking through a cancer journey. Lord, let me tell others about your salvation so that they can enjoy the same freedom that you have given me.  Thank you Lord that this part of the cancer journey is behind me. When I prayed today I remembered how you suffered on the cross and my pain and “torture” as the techs called it I renamed as “uncomfortable.” Thank you Lord that today you reminded me to seek your face throughout the events of the morning. Help my arms to endure and to find you in the treatment room and focus on you and only you. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Each night before I write I say a simple prayer that tonight my writing will help someone.  Most of the time I write what I need to hear.  There is so much happening in the world and with my friends and family that that I wish I could do more to help. Tonight my meditations uses a quote from D.L. Moody, “He does the most for God’s great world who does the best in his own little world.”  My hope through my writing is that others will see how God can deeply affect each of us with love and kindness. The impact I hope to make is to share how much God loves us.  I think the most meaningful thing we can do for others is to show how much we care for them because of how much God has cared for us. People need hope. Our hope is found in the love and forgiveness we receive in continuous mercy from the risen Christ. Sharing this message in word and deed to others is an act of loving obedience to the living God and will lead others to the way of peace, salvation and liberation.  God is good and love wins!

“You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.”
Galatians 6:2
“Through love you should serve one another.”
5: 13
Take joy in the journey and share the message of Christ’s tender mercies, forgiveness and great love.  Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink.  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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