Monday, April 28, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Monday! All is well here on Austin Street. 

Dear God, when I think of what my soul really longs for, it is you. Thank you for knowing my needs and for filling them so faithfully. I know there will be times when my faith is tested and I cannot feel you as near as I do now. When those times come I know that you will never leave me or forsake me. Lord, tomorrow I will meet the radiation doctor. Lord, I am not afraid of the doctor, but I am nervous about the procedures to come. Help me to sing songs of praise to you and please stay very close. Help me to listen and understand. Thank you for the safety of the students and staff at Carme’s high school today. Lord, please be with those who are affected by the tornadoes. I ask an extra measure of care for the mother of my friend Erica. Her home was leveled by the storm and she will now begin again. Please Lord; provide whatever she needs. I love you Lord Jesus. In Jesus name, amen.

Tonight my meditation speaks of how intimately God knows us and how God pays such close attention to every part of our lives. God knows the intimate details of our lives and the longings of our hearts even before we know them and even before we ask. So this begs the question…Why do we pray? Why do we daily bring out requests before God who already knows our needs, desires, reasons for needing forgiveness and unmerited grace?  It is in our prayers and time spent with God that we come to know our Creator and Lord. It is in these times of intimate conversation that God not only hears the requests, praises and thanksgivings of our heart, but we are continually invited have the experience of a close, personal relationship with Him.  This relationship which is like no other is what sustains us when we experience loss, when we feel defeated and when it is hard to pray. So my friends let us be persistent in our prayer life firm in the belief that God will never forsake us.

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”
Matthew 6: 8
“Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!”
Psalm 66: 20

Take joy in the journey and pray believing that God always hears and responds. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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