Friday, February 14, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
TGIF Today God is First and Happy Valentine’s Day. All is quiet, thoughtful, sorrowful and joyful tonight here at 811.  Tonight I have joys and sorrows to report.

Great joy!  Oliver Wallace Richards has been born to my eldest niece Stephanie and her husband, Stephan at about 3: 30 this afternoon. We are beyond excited for this dear couple and their beautiful, perfect son.  Other than all parties being pretty tired as her labor was very long, I believe are well.  Bruce and I cannot wait to see this new little family!

And in the sadness of the day; our dear friend and brother David Russell ascended to heaven this evening.  David and Carme have been our dearest and oldest friends for over thirty years.  It is really hard to imagine our lives without his brilliant smile, wonderful sense of humor, caring and faithful heart.  He used to do our taxes for us and we paid him in my homemade cinnamon rolls.  He and Carme spent the night with Casey at MD Anderson Hospital so that Bruce and I could have a night to ourselves on our anniversary. He was godfather to both of our sons.  He called me weekly for a while following Bruce’s stroke.  He was a wonderful husband to Carme and proud father to his two daughters.  Bruce and I tried to imagine that if he has gotten all checked into heaven by now that he has found his Mom and Dad, his precious Catherine and may he is slugging back a Shiner with Casey.  We love you our precious friend and we will miss you. God bless and attend you with His loving, comforting grace Carme, Shaleena and all of your family. 

Dear God, I praise you for your wonderful Word. Create a love for your law and promises in me and help me to know you better through it. Wrap your tender comforting arms around Carme and Shaleena tonight. They need you and count on you my precious Lord. Attend them Holy One.  I know that Dave is safe in your haven of rest, standing tall and strong before you because you have lived in him all of his life. And tonight in her exhaustion shelter Carme in your loving rest. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

There have been difficulties in this day. There are difficulties planned or unplanned. The good news is that even though we may not know what is going to happen in the moments ahead we know that God is there at every moment.  And God out of his great love will lift us out of our difficulties even if we believe we are drowning in sorrows or trouble and bring us out to a place where we can breathe once again.  Go is good and love wins!

“He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He pulled me out of deep waters.”
2 Samuel 21: 17
“He brought me out to a wide-open place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.”
2 Samuel 21: 20
Take joy in the journey remembering that hope, faith and prayer do not disappoint. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Wear comfortable shoes and Carme, get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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