Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday!  All is well here at 811.  I actually wore sunglasses this afternoon! 

Thank you Carme for teaching us about hope. This one’s for you. Love you my dearest friend.

Dear God, Today I praise you for pouring out your love and giving me and my friends hope. Even in the daily pressures, you are doing wonderful things. Lord, you have blessed me so much and you have inspired me to tell others your story. Guide my words and my heart so that I can honor you and encourage others to know you as well. Tonight I give special thanks for the answered prayer of Carme as the long awaited facility was located and accepted our dear friend David. I pray your Holy Spirit is present in those who will attend Dave and that he will be cared for with tenderness, gentleness, knowledge and skill. Bring peace to Carme’s weary soul as perhaps now she can rest.  Thank you for her faith and firmly placing hope in her heart and not letting hope disappoint. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Hope is an amazing gift from God. But hope, real hope, must be experienced in the pressures we face each day.  Like it or not, each day, if we examine our heart of hearts, we struggle with the truth of God, who God is and what God has promised. The stresses of the day, when faced in the presence of God allow us to move forward with patience because we remember that God has never let us down.  We place our faith on God’s eternal truth not on the changes that go on in our lives. God’s truth produces the hope that does not disappoint because we have seen the goodness of God.  We have tasted the sweetness of his heart and felt the comforting balm of healing grace when our souls are torn apart.  Our response to these extraordinary gifts is to become a living psalm of praise of the existence of God, the faithfulness of God and that God does all things well. God is good and love wins!

“Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 5: 5
Take joy in the journey remembering that hope, faith and prayer do not disappoint.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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