Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Tuesday!  All is well at 811. Bruce seems to be feeling better and he is much better pleased with his education therapy. I heard the most amazing sermon given in Brite Chapel today. It was preached by a very gifted Brite student. He absolutely rocked the house. The Brite choir sang a rousing spiritual that followed this powerful preaching. As this gifted young preacher ascended the stairs to the imposing pulpit in Kerr Chapel the congregations sang, “Spirit of the Living God Fall Afresh on Me”.  It was amazing!  I spoke with my professor about the paper that I did not do well on and he was most helpful. So I hope to do better on the next one. Count down…four class session and three papers to go.  WOW!  God is good and love wins!

Lord, when I consider my blessings, one by one I sing praises with great joy. When I remember how you have been so gracious to meet our needs my heart is filled with peace. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

One of the things I have discovered is that the more expensive the school you attend, the greater the financial aid you are given. Needs met by aid.  I have thought about this as sometime next summer my schools bills are going to start having to be repaid. God’s gracious abundance sort of works this way except we can never repay. The greater the need for God we have, the greater intimacy we have with God. The greater intimacy we have with our Creator, Savior and Lord the more we come to know God. Philippians tells us that “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  Needs are not always met in tangible items, but sometimes the riches we are given come in the intangible. We are given strength when we are weak. We are given joy when sorrow is all we can understand. We are given hope when none of our plans are working out like we thought.  But most of all we are given love unfailing and unlimited in greater abundance than we can ever understand.  So let us  praise God and give thanks for each blessing and then share with others the great things God has done for us. 

“I am eager to learn all that you want me to do; help me to understand more and more.”

Psalm 119: 32

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

Prayer request: I begin work tomorrow at Burton Hill Elementary. Please pray for me to discipline myself to work study and write.  I am praying for God to stretch my time so that I may meet all of the needs before me including Bruce, home, study, writing and working with the children. I am excited about this new chapter in my life. I began my seminary journey as a teacher at Burton Hill and now that I am finishing my seminary studies I am beginning once again at Burton Hill. I think God has a plan in all of this.   May my eyes see and my ears hear and my heart be open to the leading of God.  Grace and pieces, gc

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