Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Tuesday and Happy Birthday Geni!  Today my beautiful daughter celebrated her 26th birthday by receiving the most wonderful gift. Today we were requested to be present as the rehab facility doctor examined Bruce. It was an amazing exam with basic check-up stuff with additional questioning as to Bruce’s neurological health. Bruce told us his address and counted backwards by threes. Something that has been pretty consistent is the answer he gives to questions about pain. The answers he has given when asked, “Are you in pain?” and he always answers, “yes.” He is not in pain, no headaches, dizziness etc…We found out that he is confusing the words “yes” and “no.” I am sure the therapists will work on that one. He could answer other math problems using only mental efforts. The doc named three coins and asked Bruce the amounts and he answered correctly each time. Here is the best part!!! At one point during the examination the doctor asked Bruce to sing Happy Birthday.  He said, “I can’t.” Then she began to sing Happy Birthday. Then Bruce looked at Geni and finished the song in his beautiful tenor voice. Well, suffice it to say, we were blubbering messes. It is the first time he has done any singing since the stroke. It was the most joyous moment we have experienced in three weeks. Later, we all returned to Bruce’s apartment to have Geni’s birthday dinner. As we sat down to eat Bruce began our evening song of blessing that we have been singing since the kids were little. The harmony was there and the sound was heavenly. These are moments that are not soon to be forgotten.  Bruce has found his voice again and we are so very grateful and immeasurably blessed. God is good and love wins!

“Since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.

1 Thessalonians 5: 8

My family of cousins who have the daughter in remission for ALL Leukemia have adopted as their mantra…”Love wins.”  I have added to that mantra the words “God is good.”  God lives within us through the power of the Holy Spirit filling us with the love of God and receiving the gift of faith. When we combine the love of God and the gift of faith it forms a mighty breastplate of protection. Warriors wear breastplates to protect their hearts. God gives us the gift of His unfailing love and powerful faith so that when we are beaten down we have the protection of God’s love, faith and the hope of resurrection that remains in place no matter what. Resurrection does not mean just Jesus rising from the dead, but allows each of us to rise from the ashes or adversity going on in our lives and live again in the light of God’s perfect love and grace. These gifts are the constant reminders that we belong to God forever.  I am blessed to be able to watch Bruce rise from a devastating brain injury through the power or love, faith and God’s unending and ever present grace.  May God’s gifts of love, grace and hope be present in each of us and cause us to rise from our own ashes and adversity into resurrection.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint.  Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares upon the LORD and get some sleep. One of my very closest friends quotes her grandmother, “I would rather go to sleep talking to the Shepherd than counting sheep.” (I like it!) God is up all night anyway so there is no reason for all of us to be awake. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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