Friday, August 23, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Friday! Bruce and I met with his therapists today. He is doing well in all of his therapies. Everything is coming down to speech and language. Some of the tests were not able to be given because of the language deficit. But most of the tests were able to be administered. They are even beginning pre-driving skills.  WOW!! He is not ready to drive, but OT is beginning the preparations. As I listened to these five therapists I realized that even though Bruce receives two hours of speech therapy per day, each of his other therapies are all focusing language and speech. The other things I learned is that there is part of Bruce’s brain that died that night and will never regenerate, but the rehab is teaching another part of his brain to do things it was not created to do. That is why there is no way to tell how long this process will take. The counselor provided a great word picture. He is working with Bruce in problem solving and logic and Bruce is being very successful. The word picture goes like this, “Bruce your brain is like a Ferrari traveling through Mineloa, Texas. There are no straight shots, but lots of small winding roads to reach your destination.” I thought that was a wonderful description of what Bruce deals with each day in working to retrain the areas of his brain that that were affected by the stroke. And then the counselor said, “And he could wake up one day and speak perfectly.” No matter what happens and in what time frame it occurs the therapists believe that Bruce has the strongest potential for as full a recovery as possible.  Team Chrystie for the win!! God is good and love wins.  Keep praying family and friends. Thank you.

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1: 27

After this meeting today I have thanks that there are people who have the education, experience, compassion and desire to help those recover from brain injury and that TRS Retirement insurance is good enough to pay for it. I look at these people and marvel at the knowledge they have and how they help to work miracles in people whose brains have been damaged. I don’t know that I actually idolize these folks, but I most assuredly admire them and look up to them. 

Each of us has gifts and graces given to us by our Creator. These gifts are given and nurtured because Christ is in us and we are to use those abilities to shine the light of knowledge of the Glory of God and to give our lives meaning. We use and share these gifts out of our dependence on God. We do have free will and we can choose to use those gifts for our own purpose or we can give those gifts back to God and use them at God’s call and direction to help others and for the furthering of God’s kingdom here on earth. I believe we can accomplish more with our collaborative God and find the Joy we desire in following the leading of our Creator and Lord. 

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares upon the LORD and get some sleep. God is up all night anyway so there is no reason for all of us to be awake. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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