Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Thursday! 

I am writing the most difficult paper.  It is for my Religion and Violence class.  Right now it seems like it is the worst paper I have ever written. This paper feels like it is all over the map with lots of fleshed out ideas but not clearly flowing.  And its subject matter is based in theory where I find myself instead of engaging in the text I want to preach “can’t we all just be nice!!!”  Please offer a prayer for me. The paper is due Tuesday and I have another paper due on Wednesday. 

Prayer:  Divine Creator, as I struggle with the violence and atrocities that occur in this world I remember that You are Sovereign. Your Sovereignty means You are in charge.  While my mind only sees a finite solution Your mind carries the infinite solutions I cannot presume to understand or embrace. All I know is that You are good. There is not darkness or evil in You. So, Lord, as I contemplate this subject of the state of affairs in the world and the violence that Your children inflict on each other, help me to understand how You work and the perfection of Your Way in this world. In the name of the One who created everything and called it good, I pray. Amen.

“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.”
Psalm 18: 30

I am beginning a four week study with Pastor Chris from Rush Creek on the book of Psalms. Today was our first session and we learned the different types of psalms.  Psalm 18 is in the category of Royal  Psalm. This is in the group of psalms, only nine of them that are prayers for or by an earthly ruler.  The psalms are unique in that the majority of scripture is spoken to us, but the psalms are the prayers of the people spoken to God. The psalms come out of lived experience and encompass every possible emotion we can express. 

This particular psalm says that God’s way is perfect. As I read the meditation for tonight I needed to hear this reflection and be reminded of this truth. As I am struggling in my study of the brokenness of our world it is sometimes hard to remember that God is good as being a truth when people do such horrific things to one another. I am sure that there are those out there who look at the God we serve as cruel because He allows the atrocities, catastrophes and carnage we read about and see on our television sets each day. The Goodness of God in the face of such evil is completely beyond my understanding.  So maybe I need to begin to pray this psalm and the clarity I desire to communicate in this writing will become clear to me and find it flowing from my mind, to the keyboard and onto the computer screen.

I have a finite brain and while it is capable of learning and growing it is still limited. God has infinite intelligence and a compassionate heart who promised to remain present with each of us no matter what we have done or what we need to do. Today I learned that when we pray the psalms we are living into the language of prayer.  So I think I am going to work just a bit each day and read a psalm out loud and learn the language of the prayers of the people and become more deeply connected to God. God’s way is not always the way I can understand, but I have enough trust in God to believe and trust that the mysterious way God works is perfect!

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint!  Wear comfortable shoes, throw an extra blanket on the bed, pray with a grateful heart and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni, Travis and Sarah.   

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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