Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Thursday! 

This morning just prior to my New Testament class I received word that Pastor Susan Rodriguez  had passed away.  Please pray for her family and her church and her friends as they remember her and mourn their loss.

Today was the last day of classes for this semester. But the work is not done. 

Prayer:  Lord, I come before You in the name of Jesus.  I come with a heart of thanksgiving and praise because of Your power, presence and purpose. I ask You now to fill me with the Holy Spirit that I might speak boldly about Your love and mercy today.  God, replace my fear with faith in what You will do today through me.  Please give me a window of opportunity to share Your story with someone today. Amen.

“Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.”
Exodus 4: 12

“God does not give you wisdom on credit—“  When the time comes to share the gospel with those who need to heart God will give us the words we need at the moments you need to say them.  Yesterday when we went to visit Pastor Susan I did not know what I was going to say or what words of comfort I could offer.  So instead of offering words of comfort, Bruce and I sang the old hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour.” I had not planned to sing when we walked in, but the Holy Spirit nudged me and said to sing to her and then offer prayer.  After the song we were quiet and then we offered prayer.  During my prayer I simply stated that I did not know what was going to happen in the next moments, days or hours, but I did know that God was there with us now and that was enough. After I finished praying, she began to pray. 

I find it quite profound that I, an aspiring pastor, prayed for a pastor who may have prayed her last spoken prayer with failing breath over Bruce and I. What a blessing that in our last encounter here on earth we prayed for each other. I think maybe we both received a nudge from the Holy Spirit. 

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God. 

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