Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Wednesday! 

Prayer:  “Lord, today is going to be a great day because I am starting it with You. Thank you for being interested in everything going on in my life. Help me today to be ready to give and to forgive, because there is no room in my heart for anything else. Help me, Lord, to be on mission for You today. Amen.”

“But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.”
Luke 6: 35

I once attended a Kairos Prison Ministry closing.  There is a time of open microphone where any of the participants can speak a personal word.  It is a time of sharing by those residents about how the weekend has affected their lives. One of the participants stood up and walked to the mic. He looked over to the team and asked one of the team members to join him at the mic.  The team member was a Fort Worth Police Detective.  The team member stood next to the resident. The resident placed his arm around the shoulder of the detective and said, “17 years ago, this man arrested me.  Now I call him my brother.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. was interviewed following the assassination of his son, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The interviewer asked Dr. King about the bitterness and hatred he must be feeling toward the man who had taken the life of his son.  Dr. King, Sr. responded, “I have no room in my heart for bitterness, hatred, and unforgiveness. I am a Christian, and Jesus Christ lives in my heart and fills it. He leaves no room for anything else.”

The call of Christ for each of us is when we are out in the world, others need to see God in us.  We can show the love of God in the world through not carrying bitterness and unresolved hatred in our hearts. If we carry that bitterness and hatred, the light of God’s love and the mission to which Christ has called us will be overshadowed by darkness. 

Dr. King, Sr. learned this amazing lesson of “love your enemies” through daily devotion and spending time alone with God.  Even in life’s most painful events we can show the love of God and testify to the world of the promised abundant life in Jesus Christ.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer alerts: 
·                 Bruce is returning tomorrow from Memphis. Please pray travel mercy for him.
·                Dale is doing well, is already surpassing the doctor’s expectations and is walking without his walker in the hospital halls.
·                My friend Lisa’s mother is doing better.
·                I am requesting prayers for a close friend of Geni’s as she is mourning the loss of her aunt and her grandmother is very ill. I have been doing some Facebook pastoral care with her.  Thank you. Peace, g

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