Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Tuesday! 

I had the most wonderful experience today.  I went to my floor at the hospital where I make rounds and met a new patient.  She is 100 years old.  This precious woman had a vice-like grip as she held onto my hand.  She did not speak English so her daughter translated for her.  I exclaimed, “You are 100 years old.”  She replied, “No, I am 23.”  She was so totally precious.  She gained her strength from her family and her faith.  She sang songs about God to me in Spanish while I was there and I just before I left she pulled me very close to her, hugged my neck, gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek and said, “God bless you.”  She was my last call of the day and I left the hospital with a heart full of joy.  She was totally amazing.  I was blessed.

Prayer:  “Father, You show me Your love abundantly. One of the greatest ways is allowing me to come into Your presence unendingly. What a joy. I do not take that for granted.  Thank You for letting me be a part of Your family. Thank You for loving me that You would give Your only son to die for me. Thank You for placing Your Holy Spirit within my heart. Because I love You today there will be some who oppose me. Give me the wisdom to watch and pray all day long. Amen.”

“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.”
Luke 6: 12

Jesus was a man of prayer.  Jesus would pray in large groups, in the presence of His disciples and sometimes He prayed alone.  Jesus was facing opposition from those who hated Him.  During those times Jesus would go up into the mountains to pray. 

Think about this…If Jesus needed to pray, how much more do we need to pray?  I don’t think that Jesus just prayed to be the model of prayer, but needed that time alone with God.  The mountain seemed to be the place where Jesus could be alone with God without the company of the Disciples or the crowds that followed Him. 

Where do we go to meet God by ourselves? As a chaplain I pray with patients and families each day.  I pray with my colleagues and I pray with Bruce every day. So every day when I get on the highway to go to the hospital I pray. My prayer altar is I 30 to I 35 South.  I also make a stop in the chapel as I am going to my floor and pray for my patients before I get on the elevator to patient rooms. These are places I am alone with God.  A prayer altar is not a piece of furniture or a space at the church.  A prayer altar is anywhere we can be alone with God. 

Take some time each day to be alone with God. Try to find a place to be alone with God and spend some time in prayer with Him. 

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer alert:  Travis is competing in Austin this weekend.  We will be travelling on Saturday to the competition.  Geni also turns 25 on Monday.  We are in hopes to celebrate her birthday in San Antonio with Carme and Dave following the competition.  We ask for travel mercies for all of us. Thanks friends, gc

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