Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Greetings from the Chaplain’s Office at Huguley Hospital!

Happy Wednesday!  This is my last “on call” for a whole week.  It has been a pleasant “on call” so far and I hope the evening remains peaceful.  Tonight, Bruce met me at the hospital and we had dinner together.  It was really great.  We miss dinner together and visiting in the evenings when I am at one hospital or another.
Prayer:  Dear God, I need You.  Thank you for always giving me strength that I can always go to you when I need my faith renewed. Amen”

“Study God and His strength, seek His presence day and night; remember all the wonders He performed.”
1 Chronicles 16: 11-12

“Praise the Lord, our Savior who helps us every day.”
Psalm 68: 19

Tonight for reflection I am using as a guide a book I found in the chaplain’s Office Library; Moments of Peace for the Evening.  The first of the meditation poses this question, “Does it ever puzzle you how the strength and certainty you received from God yesterday or this morning was only sufficient for a while?”  Why do we need to continuously go back to God for re-fueling of strength and sustaining faith? Are we really so weak in our faith walk that we feel we continually need to go to God asking for our faith to be refilled?  Is it possible we used up all of our faith so quickly? 

The meditation tonight claims that God ordered it this way because He loves us so much that He desires that we return to Him on a regular basis not just to have our faith tanks re-filled, but so that we might be in continuous relationship with Him.  We were only promised and given faith for the day and strength for a day’s journey.  When we begin to weary and our storehouses of faith seem to be emptying remember that God’s storehouse is always in abundant supply of everything we need.  All we have to do is but ask. God wants to be in conversation with us so that we might “continually draw from His grace.”

I am reminded of last night’s writing in the story of the golden lampstand placed in the Tabernacle that was continuously fueled by the oil of two trees. The supply of oil was never depleted and the candle remained lit.

So it is with us and our relationship to God through the resurrected Christ and the Holy Spirit. God desires a healthy relationship with all of His children.  The way to maintain a healthy relationship is to stay in contact.   Let us tonight seek His goodness and remember that His desire is to sustain our faith, by His grace and continuous relationship by staying in His presence. 

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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