Saturday, June 2, 2012

Happy Saturday! 

What an awesome day!! Family is the best!  Our day began with a wonderful breakfast at Cracker Barrel, then we picked up two plastic boxes and bubble wrap at Walmart, made the Starbucks stop for coffee and headed to Daddy’s.  Upon our arrival Geni and I wrapped Mom’s dishes and glasses. Daddy gave Geni the TV he was going to replace, so Bruce and Geni undid the TV from all of its wires and moved another TV in its place for Dad.Then we went to my aunt and uncle’s house where we picked up the table and chairs that have been saved for Geni for a long time.  Geni also needed a table on which to place the TV Dad had given her and, miracle of miracles, my aunt and uncle had a table in storage that is perfect for that purpose.  It, too, came to Geni’s new apartment.  Again, family is so great. 

Prayer:  “Father, I love You.  Thank You for being faithful and true.  Help me to live this day in faith, not fear.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

“God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our LORD.”
1 Corinthians 1: 9

Everyone has at least one thing in common.  Each one of us has uncertainties.  Our everyday lives contain uncertainties and we cannot predict what is coming just around the corner.  But as believers one of the most wonderful things about our relationship with Jesus is we can claim with positive certainty that our lives are in God’s hands.  We need not fear because we know the One who has lordship over our past, present and future.  God’s Word tells us that there is no uncertainty with Him.  The life of Jesus models God’s great compassion for each of us through his life, death and resurrection.  We can be secure in our forgiveness and salvation. 

We do not know down what roads our future will take us, but we know our destiny is secure because God’s Word is faithful and reassures us that God has begun a good work in all who believe.  God will bring each of us to completion because His promises are true and our ultimate is future certain because we are secure in Christ.  God is faithful, so faith in God is always best.

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  See you in worship friends. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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