Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Thursday! 

I began the reading for my class today.  The Song of Solomon is really a trip.  Some parts of this writing should be read accompanied by a funeral parlor fan!
Tonight, Bruce and I kept our two little cousins.  Their mom and dad needed a couple of hours of time together. This is the family with the little girl, Tatum, who is battling leukemia.  She goes into the hospital tomorrow for the next round of chemo.  It also happens to be her birthday.  She will be six.  Please say an extra prayer for and her family as she continues to battle this disease. 

Prayer:  “Thank You for going to the Garden on my behalf.  Your struggle had eternal consequences for me.  Thank You for surrendering to the Father’s will. Help me to surrender to Your will. Amen.”

“He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, ‘O My Father, if it is possible, let the cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”
Matthew 26: 39

I have written about this passage a few times, but let us look at it differently tonight.  Let us see what Jesus saw in that cup.  Jesus looked into that cup and saw something so horrible that he then prayed “Father, let this cup pass from Me.”  Jesus saw evil, betrayal, separation from His Father and then combined all of these things with our sin. The drink was so toxic that it may have seemed worse than the horrors of the Cross.  For Jesus, who never knew sin, became sin.  And yet, He drank the cup and went to the cross in obedience to His Father, God.  He bore the weight of the world on His shoulders in the form of that Cross and prayed “Not my will, but Thy will be done.”  Jesus exchanged the bitterness of the Cup and the horrors of the Cross so that we could have the sweet flowing of the cup of communion we do not deserve, forever.
My friends when we pray today and we lift up our own agony, pain, despair and  separation, let us find it within ourselves to pray to glorify our Lord by confessing “Not my will, but Your will be done.”
Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  Let God stay awake on your behalf.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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