Happy Tuesday!
First, I must say, “OMG!” in reference to the final
episode of NCIS tonight. As cliffhangers
go, the writers pulled out all of the stops.
Prayer: “In this
certain place I meet you this morning with a grateful heart that You are
faithful to meet me and hear my prayers.
I want to be in close contact with You.
I adore You and worship You, my God. Amen.”
it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one
of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his
11: 1
Jesus was the perfect model for prayer. Jesus’ disciples knew that Jesus went to a
certain place to pray as part of His routine.
Anything we do as part of a routine takes priority in our lives. Prayer was a priority for Jesus. Jesus went to His Father in prayer each day
to stay in communion with God. Jesus
carried unbearable burdens and the only way He could carry them was to ask the
Father for help. The disciples saw Jesus
pray. The results of Jesus’ time of prayer was a sense of peace and joy knowing
that He did not face anything alone because His Father had given guidance and direction for His life and ministry here
on earth.
Jesus went to God in prayer, expressing Himself with
honest, simple requests, thanksgiving and praise. Somewhere in our prayer life we must find a
place of praise even when things seems to be going so badly. More than anything
God needs to know that we have a strong desire to spend time with Him. I am not a good question asker of God. I usually tell God I love Him, I believe Him,
I praise Him for what I can think of, I give thanks, I ask forgiveness and sometimes I ask for understanding. Now,
as I am seeking a deeper understanding of God, I am beginning to ask God to
help me search my motives as to why I think about things the way I do and to
help me understand how to think like He does.
Then I ask for God to reveal my sins to me. There are times I sin and don’t realize
it. When I come to understand my way of
thinking is not Godly (or is sinful), I confess it. After I confess, the most wonderful peace
comes over me and I feel so much closer to God.
True and honest prayer is a two way street; each party must talk and
most importantly, listen!! It is not for me to try and change the heart
of God through my requests, it is me being totally receptive and allowing God
to change me by listening to Him. Jesus
is the key to this conversation because He is the place of prayer and He is in
continuous intercession to the Father for each of us.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes and get
some sleep. Remember that our God never
puts out the “Do not disturb sign.”
There is no need for both of you/me to be awake. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by
what I believe and I believe God.
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