Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Monday! 

First day of class was awesome.  The professor is from Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles.  She speaks with this beautiful Hebrew accent that I could listen to all day.  She dismissed us at 2: 30 this afternoon and scheduled each of us for a 15 minute “get to know you” conversation for the rest of the afternoon.  The purpose of the conversation was to find out what each of us knew and had interest in and to assign our teaching and writing topics.  How cool is this?!  We only got through 4 chapters of the Song of Solomon and will finish tomorrow.  I am not sure how we will get through all of the material she has planned, but I already know I am going to learn so much from this very wise and learned woman.

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed beYour name.”
Luke 11: 2a

We all know this sentence by heart; it is the opening address to The Lord’s Prayer.  It is the answer to a question asked by the disciples about how to pray.  Jesus does not tell them how to pray in a lecture or a discussion.  Jesus models prayer for the disciples.  But here is the very cool part of this episode in Luke.

Up until now, God had been a God of a nation and was distant and inaccessible to the nation of Israel except through corporate prayer.  In this very moment, Jesus prays, “Our Father.”  Not my Father, or the Father of Israel, but our Father.  Jesus made available to each individual the accessibility to God as individuals who could pray to God on their own behalf. Those who believed could have intimate one-on-one contact with God through prayer.  When Jesus prayed with His disciples and addressed God as “Our Father…” Jesus made available to all who believe the same relationship with God that He had with His Father. 

Jesus, being the Son of God, had to follow the same rules of reverence as all who had relationship with Him.  First, Jesus had intimate relationship with the Father.  Jesus treated His Father with respect for His power and holiness.  The power of God is in His Holiness.  How blessed we are that the powerful Holy One would invite us to have an intimate relationship with Him and come before the throne of grace as His child and heir.

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep.  God can handle it for the night because He is up anyway.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

PS Just an update:  1) Tatum came home last night after her weekend treatment.  Her cheeks and arms are red, but not blistered this time from the chemotherapy. Thank you all for your continuing prayers for Tatum.  2) Travis had a great first day at his new store as Assistant Manager.  He says everyone is really nice and he really likes the store.  3) Thank you all for your continuing prayers for my Uncle Johnny who just started chemotherapy.  Peace, gc

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