Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Tuesday!

Today I took a break from studying, reading and paper writing today and caught up on some errands. It was a break I think I needed.

Bruce and I attended this wonderful Bible Study called Rock Solid Marriage. It was a 5 week study about the different aspects of marriage from communication to relationship building. It was totally based on scripture and I highly recommend it now matter how long you have been married. The final part of the study is a worship service in which all who attended the study and any others who desire can come and renew their vows also. I read the list of known participants and they range from those who have been married from one year to sixty years. There will be a cake and punch reception following the service. I would like to invite all who would like to attend to join us at Advent Lutheran Church at 4:00 Sunday afternoon February 12. It should be very meaningful and a lot of fun. We were asked to submit a wedding picture and a current picture to be shown in a video during the service somewhere. There have been a few changes…but very subtle. (LOL!) I still do not have a dress for the renewal of our wedding vows on Sunday afternoon. Maybe tomorrow…

Prayer: “Faithful Master, Your Word says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” (Psalm 37: 23). I thank you as I begin this new day that I can rest in that comforting assurance. You see and watch over me. Therefore help me today that I will not fear whatever may befall me. I ask this in Your precious name, Amen.”

Romans 14: 8 “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.”

In the morning before I get up I have begun saying “Good morning” to God and giving thanks for my life and for the breath I have. I give thanks for Bruce who lies beside me and I watch him and wait for him to breathe. When Casey was still with us I used to stand at the door of our dining room or at the door of his hospital room and just watch him breathe. Breathing is the strong reassurance that life is present. It is through the breath of the Holy Spirit within each of us who are believers in God through the resurrected Christ that we know that God is watching over us and breathing through us all of the time. This passage of scripture goes beyond the physical breath that allows us to live each of our days here on earth. The breath of the Holy Spirit is greater than our life here on earth. It is that same breath that calls us to heaven ever reminding us that because we belonged to God while on the earth we belong and will remain with God when we are joined with Him in heaven for all eternity.

When I was a teacher at Burton Hill we held a prayer and share in my classroom once a week before classes began. When one or more of us were carrying burdens seemingly too heavy to bear and were going through the most difficult of times, our phrase we would tell each other was, “Just take a breath.” Each of us were perfectly capable of drawing our next physical breath. What we were meaning for the one who was burdened down and hurting was to stop and draw in the breath of the Holy Spirit. The greatest assurance we had was knowing that God through the power of the Holy Spirit would do this at our request today and again tomorrow and every tomorrow. This assurance is praise worthy.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. I ask that you begin to add to your prayers Bruce and the upcoming Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend. The weekend is not until April, but Bruce is the lay leader for this weekend and the first team meeting is this Saturday. This ministry is a ministry to the outcast and forgotten community by most of us, but God has not forgotten them. Pray for Bruce as he has accepted this calling by God to lead this team in Jesus’ name driven by the Holy Spirit. Count your blessings and say your prayers.

Thank you, mighty and faithful prayer warriors. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.


I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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