Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Thursday!

I finished the papers the from week following Mom’s passing and have sent them to their respective professors. I now get to work on the assignments for next week. I have a paper due in Psalms class Tuesday.

I treated myself to a shopping trip today for a dress and shoes in which to get re-married on Sunday. I also began the many thank you notes for those who brought food, who called on Dad, who wrote cards and who were service participants. I have not finished, but eventually I will.

If you get a few minutes go to You Tube and type in Travis Chrystie. You can see him push/press 405 pounds. It is pretty amazing!

Bruce is still busily working on preparations for the first Kairos Team meeting on Saturday. Please continue your prays for him, the team and the inmates who will gain from this encounter with God.

I spoke to Dad tonight. He seems to have a pretty bad cold and tells me he has had a rough week emotionally. Please continue your prays for Dad.

Prayer: “Thank You, Jesus, for Your grace. Thank You that even though I deserve death, hell and judgment, You paid the price for me that I might go free. Help me today to be sensitive to everyone around me who is in need of Your grace. Forgive me for not caring like I should for those who do not know You. Amen.”

Luke 23: 43 “And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

This is a tough scripture with which to greet the day. But this scripture calls us to do what Jesus did hanging on that cross. Take a moment and imagine Jesus hanging on the cross, crown of thorns on His head, bleeding, nails driven on his hands and feet. He is scorned, shamed, mocked and spat upon. He has been separated from his family and friends and even His heavenly Father cannot look at Him because of the ugliness of sin that completely taken over this One God calls Son. Jesus is hanging between two thieves; one who refuses to believe and one who is frightened and asking for forgiveness. Even with all of these devastating things happening all around Him, with the last few ounces of strength He has, Jesus looks at the crowd that is mocking Him with scorn and hatred and asks His heavenly Father to forgive them and erase their sins from His eyes. One last final act of grace, Jesus welcomes this thief into paradise. What a day this thief had! His day began in condemnation. By the middle of the day this same man was now covered in the blood of Jesus and covered in God’s grace. By nightfall this man was in heaven with Jesus. Now that’s joy in the journey!

I think the hardest thing for us as Christians to do is to forgive our enemies and welcome them into fellowship with us. But Jesus calls us to do just that. There are other faiths that call for their followers to love their neighbors, but I think Christians are the only ones who are also commanded to love their enemies. That one command sets believers in Christ apart for the higher calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Take joy in the journey and do not let the sun go down on you without telling someone about the forgiveness, love and saving grace of Jesus. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all so very much and count on you for your loving and powerful prayer support, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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