Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blessed Sunday to you all!

Was it fall today or what?! I wore slacks and boots today to worship. When I came home I then put on jeans with crocs and socks! We had my own recipe of bacon cheeseburger soup for lunch and when I looked out on the porch today my new mums are beginning to pop. I do love fall!

I am on fall break this week. Brite calls it Reading Week. I have already completed one assignment in preparation for a test upon return to classes and now I have to read a book and write a paper that is due the Friday we return. Please continue to offer prayers on my behalf. Thanks, friends.

Prayer: “My dear heavenly Father, help me to walk in your paths today. Remind me of the joy that has always been mine when I have chosen to follow You. Let me never forget the heartache, pain, and disillusionment that comes from my disobedience. Thank You for Your patience and love for me. Lord, I praise You that Your mercies are new with each new day. I am reminded this morning of Your promise that if I will delight myself in You, You will give me the desires of my heart. (Ps. 37: 4,5) With a thankful heart, I love and praise You for who Your are. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Psalm 119: 45 “Make me walk in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.”

Sometimes obedience is tough. My meditation tonight talks of this Christian life not as a playground but as a battlefield. But being obedient is not something we do under our own power or even by our own will. The psalmist writes, “Make me walk in the path...” We need God to intervene in our Christian walk. I cannot and do not obey by my own power but by God’s sufficient grace that empowers me to walk in His path. My obedience is dependent on his grace and my submission to Him. Psalm 37: 23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.” (Ladies, I think we count ourselves in this group.) Let us let nothing come between God’s Word and our relationship with Him.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes (or your boots!) Count your blessings and say your prayers. Rest in the assurance that God’s grace is enough. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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