Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Thursday!

Geni finished her fall semester today! We are so proud of her. But I share this with you because in one semester we will have graduated our first child from college. That is amazing!

John 18: 7, 8 “Who do you seek? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered; I have told you that I am He.”

Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane. He is praying and His communion with God is disrupted with the sounds of Roman soldiers bearing torches, lanterns and weapons. Jesus leaves His time of prayer and greets these men. He asks them, “Who do you seek?”

Jesus knew that everything he had ever done, each word He had ever spoken, and all the roads he had ever walked were all leading to this moment. After He revealed His identity to these soldiers the chain of events that would unfold could not be stopped. The horrors of the cross would begin within moments and conclude on Friday.

Fast forward to today. Do you suppose God was greeted by the bus company who allowed an atheist group to post signs on their buses stating “We are good without God”? Do you suppose God greeted the atheist group with the same words, “Who do you seek?” They weren’t Roman soldiers with lanterns, torches and weapons, but the message they wish to send is the same. The Roman soldiers did not believe they needed God so much that they were determined to rid themselves of this One who claimed to be the Messiah.

The point here is that Jesus met them and looked them in the eye and stated, “I Am He who you seek.” He knew the consequences of this answer and still answered with confidence and with the full authority of the Father.

If Jesus asks us, “Who do you seek?” what would our answer be? Would we answer, “I am seeking someone who can get me out of debt?” or “I am seeking someone who can make me beautiful?” or “I am seeking someone who can make me successful?” Or would we answer, “I am seeking Jesus Christ, Son of the living God and I am not good without You. In fact, I am a mess”?

When others seek God, where do they look? Do they look in the mirror, at their check book or the business plan that they believe will allow them to climb the ladder of success? Do others look at Christian believers and know how much they need God in their own lives? Does the light of God’s love shine so brightly in us that others want to seek Him, learn of Him and come into relationship with Him? Just some food for thought…

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Let us continue to lift each other up on prayer each day. Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer alert! My dear friend and co-worker Lisa Smith’s family is in great need of God comfort and our prayers as her husband Bruce lost his brother today. Let us lift up these families in prayer and pray for God to heal their broken hearts and grant them peace through faith in Jesus. Peace, gc

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