Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Thursday!

The check-off list continues and I have checked off two more things from the seemingly endless list of things to complete before June 4. Say your prayers for the students and teachers as deadlines are rapidly approaching!

I met with Dr. Martinelli this afternoon. He is a very nice man who explained everything to do with my impending surgery very thoroughly. Bruce and Travis were with me and it is true that three sets of ears are better than one! The first surgery is scheduled the week after school is out and the next one a week later. The doc will only remove one spot at a time due to the location of the tumor sites and the repair work that will need to be done. The goal is to remove all of the cancer with the smallest tissue removal and wound possible. I ask your prayers for the surgery and the finances to work out.

Colossians 2: 6, 7 “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him: Rooted and built up in Him.”

Today I stepped out onto the deck and much to my surprise one of my tomato plants has a beautiful ripening, red tomato on it. The funny thing is that this particular plant had begun to lean over with the weight of the tomatoes so I found a stick and staked it. This plant is yellowing and I thought it was dying and then it surprised me when I saw the red tomato on the plant. I spoke loudly, “Bruce, it is time to harvest!”

This made me think as I was meditating on this scripture that it is not always the leaves that tell the tale, but the roots. The roots of this plant are strong and deep for even though the plant is running its course the fruit is ripe, ready for picking and to be used for the purpose for which it was created.

Howard Garrett used to have a song before his weekly radio show on gardening that simply said, “The root goes down and the plant goes up.” When the seed is planted it carries all of the information it needs to grow into a healthy plant. But a seed cannot grow on its own; it needs other things to help it grow. A seed needs water, good soil and sunshine.

When God plants His seed of love in our hearts it needs nurturing so its roots will be grounded and the plant will grow in gladness. Our hearts, when grounded and rooted in the love of God will grow up strong and be able to withstand the storms that life hands out. The lesson of the seed must be remembered as a lesson that begins in the ground and grows through the soil. Without good soil the roots do not become strong and soon the plant will wither. So accept the seed of love that God gives you and let Him plant it in the good soil of His love and watch it grow into a plant of gladness.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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