Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blessed Sunday!

Daddy called me around 8:45 yesterday morning to tell me that he had to put Mom in the hospital in Sherman. The congestive heart failure has hit once again. This condition causes Mom to retain fluids in her body, one area being n the sac around her heart which causes her heart to have to work harder than it should. The CHF was kept at bay for two years and it resurfaced at Christmas. This time it has returned in less than two months. Please pray for her as the doctors help her to gain control over this condition once again and that it will be kept at bay for a longer period of time.

Mark 5:34 and 36 “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over. (36) “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”

We hear two stories of healing and two stories of faith in these passages. The 12 year old daughter of Jarius lies dead in her bed and her father goes to Jesus and begs for her life. The woman with the issue of blood believes if she can just touch the hem of Jesus’ tunic that she will be healed.

Jesus is the master healer. In these two stories Jesus heals these two people through their faith. Jesus restores these two people to health and well-being. Jesus hears our prayers when we pray for healing for ourselves and for others. I believe God answers our prayers for healing, but God does not always answer our prayers for healing in the way we would like. I prayed night and day for healing for Casey. I begged God for Casey’s life and to restore him to health and well-being, but it was not in God’s plan. Casey’s health was never restored. He never got well, but he was most assuredly healed. Casey’s last words to me just a few hours before he died were, “Mom, I want to stand up.” Well, he stands before God full and upright. Everything that was wrong with him is now in perfect healing.

As for our family we received healing also. When one member of your family has cancer, everyone has cancer. Not in the physical sense, but in every other sense. Our healing came in the prayers, the visits, the cards, letters, the quilts, the friends who would stay with Casey while we were at work and so many other ways. All of you were the “conduits” of faith that allowed us to heal in love. We will always miss Casey until we are united with Him at the feet of the Father at the throne of grace.

Healing does not always mean that bones are knitted back together and that cancer is removed from someone’s body. Healing is becoming whole. Healing is when we unite ourselves with God is faith and trust that God has all things in His power and under His control. Casey has received perfect healing. Our healing comes when we surrender all over to God and claim His lordship over our lives. Let us take a lesson from this passage in Mark and to be not afraid and have faith.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all and stay warm, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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