Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blessed Sunday to you all!

Worship this morning was held in Luther Hall due to construction in our sanctuary. Luther Hall is our multi-purpose building which houses Sunday School classrooms, the kitchen and a large gymnasium. The gym was set up with the stage area for the band, Praise Team, the Communion Table and in the back were tables. It was a very relaxed atmosphere for worship and I really loved it. I happen to think that this is a wonderful venue for contemporary worship. We will worship there one more week as the sanctuary is being rehabbed.

Luke 4: 16—19 “Jesus traveled to Nazareth, where He had grown up. On the Sabbath day he went to the synagogue, as He always did, and stood up to read. The book of Isaiah, the prophet, was given to Him. He opened the book and found the place where this is written: “The Lord has put His Spirit in Me, because He appointed Me to tell the Good news to the poor. He has sent me to tell the captives they are free and to tell the blind that they can see again. God sent me to free those who have been treated unfairly and to announce the time when the Lord will show His kindness.”

This is a really short sermon. In just a few sentences Jesus announces his identity and His mission. Jesus has just come from His temptation in the desert by Satan. It is now time to begin the ministry for which he was created. If you read a bit further in the passage Jesus tells the worshipers in the synagogue that “While you heard these words just now, they were coming true.”

Jesus grew up in Nazareth. Just as He had done each Sabbath day for his entire life He attended synagogue and took His place among the people Today was His day to read the scripture passage. Jesus knew that today of all days it would mean more than just reading the scripture passage to those in worship, but it would be the starting place for the final walk to the cross. He told those who had known Him since He came to Nazareth as a boy who He was and what His intentions were.

Jesus told those in worship that the scripture was fulfilled in Him: Jesus. Then Jesus said that He had come to give sight to the blind, free the captives, bring Good News to the poor and to treat those who have been treated unfairly with kindness and fairness.

I have a picture of this scene in my head. Jesus is sitting near the front and waiting His turn to read. The priests in front of the congregation leading worship and here comes Joseph and Mary’s boy claiming to be God on foot, about to turn their world upside down and perform miraculous feats of healing and turn political beliefs upside down. The priests and worshipers were appalled at these proclamations and tried to take Jesus to the nearest cliff and throw Him over.

Let’s look at this from another view point. It is 2010 and we are seated before Jesus in our houses of worship and Jesus is speaking these words to us. Is there any among us who is not in need of our blindness being healed, our sins being forgiven because we are held captive by them or to be taught how to treat others fairly and with kindness? Is there anyone among us who can honestly say we are not in need of God’s grace? When we are face to face with Christ blinded by our sin, held captive by our own will and honestly look at the ways we have treated others do we just want to rid ourselves of the One who can free us from all of our guilt, shame and sin or do we bow at His feet and cry forgiveness and mercy because of his love for us?

It is a brand new week and a great time to begin again. This God of ours through Jesus is the God of the second chance and many, many more chances. Pray for forgiveness and mercy and ask God to teach each of us how to be like Jesus.

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS The church that burned down is Saginaw Park Baptist Church in Saginaw, Texas. gc

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