Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday is a really long day for me. I begin at 7:00 am with the BHE Fellowship, followed by teaching 17 amazing first graders, then going on to Brite for two and one half hours of Christian Ethics and finally to Praise Team rehearsal at church. Geni has taken over dinner duties on Wednesday night. Tonight was delicious scrambled eggs and bacon. Thanks Geni!

A Praise God!! My best friend Carme Russell has been offered a job with the San Antonio School District. She has not worked a full time teaching job since they returned to Texas from Washington. She has been substituting regularly for quite some time. She was offered the job on Tuesday. Our prayer was that the principal would be willing to wait for her to begin on the first of October. God’s timing is not ours. Carme’s doctor told her if she promised not to lift anything she could report to work on Monday!!! The principal rushed her recommendation to the district offices today. Our prayer now is that the principal’s recommendation will be accepted and Carme will be at work bright and early Monday morning. Carme will be teaching high school special education science! Way to go Carme and yea God!!!

2 Corinthians 2: 14 “But thanks be to God, Who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.”

If we follow the plan God has for each of us then there can be no failure. I sometimes think that the students at Brite are so much smarter than I am. Today in class I did not offer comments to the discussion because the vocabulary used by many of my classmates caused me to call up Merriam Webster’s online dictionary and find out what many of words they were using meant. I basically understood the content of the conversations, but did not feel very scholarly today. But I believe that I am where God has called me to be and learning what He has prescribed me to learn. I will persevere and I will learn.

The basic content of the discussion today was the process of moral discernment as it applies to Christian ethics through the eyes of women as an oppressed community. But in reality if I look past just looking through the eyes of women and try to look through the eyes of all believers then my task as a future called and ordained minister is to listen. I have not been called to make judgments about people, but I have been called to listen and love them. I do not have to agree with them, but as children of God I must love and help them as best I can. Whether I can use scholarly vocabulary and sophisticated language is not nearly as important as sitting and listening to someone and sharing the love of God with them. If I can respectfully and lovingly listen to someone then I have not failed and God will have triumphed.

What is your favorite fragrance? I especially like cinnamon and apples. The scent of apples and cinnamon remind me of fall and warmth and home. But the fragrance of frankincense and myrrh are the scents Jesus was presented with by the Kings when He was a child and the precious oils that adorned His body at His death. Those scents are not overly familiar to each of us, but God’s Word, the fragrance of His knowledge is at our very fingertips. Open the Book and catch the aroma and the fragrance of the love of God and allow the scent to permeate you all with whom you come into contact.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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