Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

I pray you all had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend.

Deuteronomy 5:33 “You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may be well with you…”

When we come into relationship with God through Jesus everything changes. Or maybe I should say we change. We choose to walk the road of a believer and to listen to God’s strong voice or wait for His voice in the silence, but still have faith that He is there even when He is silent.

When God is silent we still must follow His plan as best we can. Sometimes when God is quiet we become like the fledgling nation of Israel just freed from bondage in Egypt and we try to go back to our old ways. If we follow the story of the Hebrew nation, we find that their supplies ran short on more than one occasion and God provided for their needs each and every time. God provided for them out of His love for them. God’s love is never ending. God’s love is a love that continues to give without fail and without ceasing. His supply of love never runs short even to the point of sending His Son, Jesus to earth and then sacrificing his life for our salvation.

When our supply seems to run short we tend to use a little less or hang on to what we have . God’s love tells us that when our supply runs short to give something away. When the day has been really tough and we think that our world has taken all we have to give, can we offer just one more person a smile? Can we offer just one more person a listening ear or a prayer?

When we offer up our tired and weary hearts to help someone else then we make more room for God’s love. His love gets recycled in us each time we sacrifice for one of His children. Remember even if someone is not a faithful believer, they are still His child. Our smile, our moment to listen, our prayer for peace and healing for someone is a way we can walk in the ways of God. When we do that, the blessing God returns to us in that our way will be well with us.

Bruce signs off on his emails with the following mantra, “Preach Christ every day. Use words if necessary.” We can preach to others about God or we can show someone the love of God. Let us give something of ourselves away to someone in need and let God recycle His love in us.

Love you all so very much and take joy in the journey. Love, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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