Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Saturday! It has been such a busy day and it is very late. In fact this may not even get posted until tomorrow afternoon or evening. We have spent the day getting things ready for Travis’ party in the morning. The lawn is mowed. As much food as possible has been prepared with the final egg scramble and hash browns to be prepared in the morning. The coffee is assembled and the urn is on a timer. In the morning Bruce and Travis will pick up tables and chairs from the church. We will set them, decorate them and await our guests.

But tonight, Bruce is building a deck with the help of our good friend Al Rearick. It is nearing midnight and they are still hard at work. Travis is still at work clearing out the crowd from the George Strait concert. As the morning approaches rather rapidly Bruce is still working and I am ready to call it a night. So for tonight I am sending this out as a prayer for Bruce and Al.

Psalm 55: 22 “Cast thy burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee.”

I pray for these two diligent men that God will sustain them to complete the task they have so kindly and graciously started. They began this project on faith and in faith I pray they will finish. I am sure weariness will come so I ask that God will give them the strength of the joy of the Lord in their work and that their work would go quickly so they both could get some rest. I thank you for these two men and their faithfulness to You, O Lord and I pray your continued faithfulness to them. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Take joy in your journey, friends. Love, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

1 comment:

Al Rearick said...

And sustain us He did! I'm telling you, there was no place I would rather have been than helping Bruce. It was such a blessed time, time that literally seemed to fly because the Lord is good and kept us going (although I should mention that the three gigantic Dr. Peppers I had earlier in the day might also have had something to do with it, but I also credit THAT to the Lord because I never have that much soda in one day! So, either the Lord used the caffeine to keep me awake and alert, or He was looking for a way for me to work off all that syrup and caffeine!)

God truly is good! We kept saying that over and over because of the way so many things worked out as we were building.