Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Monday and happy first day of summer break to all FWISD teachers! I, with the help of Bruce and Travis, packed away my classroom for yet another summer. I have high hopes of going back to school this fall to a new ceiling and new carpet in my classroom. I have the most wonderful husband and children who will give up their time to help mom with the end of school. I will call on them again as I reconstruct my classroom again in August. I will need people taller than me to put up some of my things!

Tonight we enjoyed our first meal as a family at the round table on the new deck. It was so nice. It was an evening with pleasant temperatures and my most favorite people with which to share it. I am pretty sure we will spend more evenings outside as the summer continues. And in the morning I will sit out there with my coffee, devotional materials, Bible and laptop and have coffee with God. I began this ritual last summer before going daily to the hospital to see Casey. This time really helped me to begin the day with God firmly planted in my vision and carrying me through the day.

I know I say this often, but I do so miss Casey. My entire last summer was spent with him at the hospital. It was precious time and I will treasure that time for the rest of my life. I think one of the most precious gifts God gives us is the gift of time. My first coffee time may be a bit emotional so bear with me in the journal if it is a bit bittersweet. We need to treasure each moment we have and not waste a moment for we never know when that time will be gone.

Psalm 20: 7 “Some take pride in chariots, and some in horses, but our pride is in the name of the Lord.”

I am so proud of our home - our physical dwelling. I am beyond excited to invite people to come over for coffee or a hot dog on the deck or whatever. Our house is a source of joy in my life. It is not a fancy, huge home with a pool, but our house has been rehabbed by the grace of God that dwells in the hearts of those believers who sacrificed their time, elbows, radical kindness and hearts of love to create a dwelling that is to the glory of God. When you arrive at our house the first image that greets you is a beautiful door with a glass insert. Etched and crafted into the glass is a cross.

I take pride in many things. I take pride in my husband, my children, my extended family, my church, my school and my dogs! But mostly I take humble pride (is that an oxy-moron?) in being a child of the King. Scripture tells me that I am a child of God and a brother to Jesus.

Of all of the names for which I am known, wife to Bruce, mother to Geni and Travis, first grade teacher, seminary student; the name which brings me the greatest pride is being Gaylene, child of God and brother to Christ. I learned a long time ago that without Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I am nothing. God has blessed me richly and I am proud to be called His child.

In what do you take pride? In the things of which you are proud to whom do you give the glory, the praise and the thanks? In this journey on which we all travel let us keep our eyes on Christ; the giver of every good and every perfect gift, proudly carry His name and give Him the glory for each victory won in our lives.

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.


I am not moved by by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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