Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Friday!! I wonder if there are TGIF’s in heaven or is every day “Son” day? Sorry! There are some days at school that many of us say “if it had not been Friday I would not have come.” This seemed to be the prevailing attitude throughout the building today, and it was not even a full moon! There was talk of taking out stock in the Majestic store. I saw the building empty pretty quickly after the children were gone. I stayed late and began to prepare for my two day absence this coming week when we go to San Antonio to be with Carme and Dave for her surgery.

Psalm 17:6 says, “I call to You, God, and You answer me. Listen to me now, and hear what I say.” I was reading Max Lucado’s meditation on this passage and it caused me to think about how God speaks to all of us. I don’t mean in the manner in which He speaks, but that He, the Lord or Lords and King of Kings, actually speaks to all of us. God excludes no one. When we call upon Him, He hears our voice and listens to what we have to say. He spoke to Nicodemus in the middle of the night. He spoke to the woman at the well at mid-day. He spoke Zacchaeus in a tree and He speaks to me in my classroom. Isn’t it the most reassuring affirmation we have just knowing that we can speak to God. I mean, walk right into the throne room and say “Lord, here I am. I am frustrated, tired and ready for Friday. “

I think about Christ and Friday. Was Jesus ready for Friday? Was he frustrated and tired? Actually, He was far worse than frustrated and tired. He was beaten, bruised, bleeding and still had a mission to complete. Every day since the day of His baptism was preparing Him for this one day in His life. And we call that day Good Friday. He did not say, “thank God it’s Friday as He was pouring out His life on that cross. No He said, “Father forgive them they know not what they do.” And finally He said, “It is finished.” All on a Friday.

Maybe I will think of Friday differently now. Maybe now when I say TGIF, I will remember that as the day Christ died for my sin so I don’t have to die in my sin. The thief on the cross called to Jesus and Jesus answered him by saying, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” All on a Friday. So friends, as we travel each day into the week and finally land at Friday, give thanks for what was done for you all on a

Take joy in the journey. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

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