Thursday, November 13, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Thursday!  All is well here at 811. I have to share that I have the most wonderful surprising husband on the planet.  I will be 59 tomorrow. He surprised me with gifts tonight and dinner tomorrow night. The night he had the stroke a year and a half ago I told him I was not through loving him yet.  And after almost thirty four years of marriage I cannot even imagine being married to anyone else. I told him as we were standing together tonight that my birthday gift happens each morning when I wake up next to him and say good night each evening.  So, thank you my beloved for the surprises you continue to bring to my life and the joy I live in loving you.

The candle is lit…

Dear God, I want to know you more---teach me your ways. Thank you that when I seek you, I find everything I need and all that my heart desires.  You will always be my perfect Defender. I praise you for covering me with your wisdom, strength, and love. Lord, may you be exalted forever. Please continue to bless Bruce with healing and progress in the stroke recovery and for blessing his heart with love for you, love for others; me, his son and daughter, and daughter-in-law. Thank you for giving him a heart of joy, caring and surprise or two. I love you Lord and I thank you for the blessings of love, family and friends and your eternal grace that covers all of us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The world tells us to pursue fame, power, accomplishments, brighter, whiter smiles, great financial gains and great amounts of busyness.  When we take inventory of our lives what do we find? Do we find that some of our relationships and activities do not bring about a lasting satisfaction that we are seeking?  And even diamonds (yes, I love diamonds) while they make sparkle with brilliant fire do not bring warmth. (Except maybe for the memories of the one who gave them to you…just saying.)

Pursuing the intangibles are the things that bring lasting joy and fulfillment.  Seek God.  Joy and fulfillment will fill the empty spaces when the fleeting things of earth have grown cold. Seeking a relationship with God gives us a firm place on which to stand and to find satisfaction for our souls through the Presence of God’s love, enduring grace and purpose for our lives. Seek God with all of your heart my friends.  God will teach our hearts lasting peace that can never be taken away, run out, tarnish or end. Seeking God allows us to be surrounded by God’s love, wisdom and strength forever.

“Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.”
Psalm 9: 10
“Those who trust the LORD, are like Mount Zion, which can never be shaken. It remains firm.”
Psalm 125: 1

Take joy in the journey praying, praising, laughing and encouraging others as you go. Stay warm, wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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