Saturday, June 7, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Saturday! All is well here at 811. Daddy update:  He is doing much better and says he is feeling fine. The Doc planning for him to go home on Monday morning.  Giving great thanks. Our infant great nephew is being baptized tomorrow.  Please pray for this precious new little family as they step forward in faith further committing their lives and family to God; Stephen, Stephen and Oliver Wallace.

God, please help me to sense your presence and rest in your care. Thank you for giving me a solid place to stand though the world around me quakes.  Thank you for the gift of words. Thank you that words can bring peace and sustain us by your grace. I pray that the words you give to me bring you glory. Thank you that your words bring me great joy.  I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Do you ever find yourself so overwhelmed that you have lost your perspective and the ability to prioritize or even see clearly how to accomplish all that must be accomplished? I have had these feelings and thoughts this week. The last time I felt like this was while I was in seminary and the assignments were running close together and I was afraid I would not be able to meet my deadlines. This feeling of possibly not being able to meet   deadlines or accomplish what must be done shakes my confidence. There are times when I think Satan is working really hard to win the battle. Then I hear Daddy’s voice in my ear, “Gaylene, have you talked to God about this?”  

I pray because God knows my heart and I have enough faith to believe that God will provide a way and help me.  There were times when King David’s confidence was shaken by his enemies and God continued to sustain him giving him victory. David learned that God was with him and that reality gave him peace. David experienced the presence of God and was given the strength and stability to continue.

So once again, I am talking to God and asking for help. I am planting my hope firmly in God that I will be able to continue to care for my Dad, meet my ordination requirements, continue radiation and take care of some other issues.  My prayer will be that God will stretch my time, provide the help I need and bring peace to my soul.

“From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
Psalm 61: 2
“You have been a refuge for me, a strong tower in the face of the enemy. I will live in Your tent forever and take refuge under the shelter of Your wings.”
Psalm 61: 3-4
Take joy in the journey and when time is running short ask God to stretch your time. Wear comfortable shoes and get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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