Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday! All is well here at 811. I am married to the sweetest man on earth. He surprised me today with two beautiful plant stands for the deck. They are just waiting for me to find beautiful plants to place on them. I promise pictures if you are a FB friend.  Also tomorrow is the day I go into the Cancer Center to be marked for radiation. One of the people in the radiation doctor’s office called to remind me of the appointment. He was so very nice and said this procedure would be a piece of cake and I would be out in about an hour.  He was so reassuring and had such a kind voice that he made me feel better. I am still a bit nervous, but God and Bruce will be with me. I would love your prayers.  Thank you friends.

Dearest most wonderful God, truly you are worthy of my worship. How good you are and how deep your love. May I continuously rejoice at your name. I love you. Thank you for a doing so much to have a genuine relationship with me. You are truly wonderful. You, my Lord, are mighty, trustworthy, wise compassionate and soak me in unconditional love. I praise you my Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

When the call came from the doctor’s office I figured it was just simply a reminder call about my appointment tomorrow. And I was right. And then as if he knew I was nervous about tomorrow he offered reassuring words and brought comfort to my mind. He could have been very clinical and simply said this is a reminder of your appointment; see you then. But this man went a couple of steps beyond and began to establish a relationship with me. I am looking forward to meeting him tomorrow.

Nicodemus was raised as a Pharisee who knew nothing but to follow laws and regulation. When Jesus met him by night Nicodemus discovered that God wanted more than a rule follower and law obeyer. God wanted a relationship with based on love.  Nicodemus thought that he had to earn the love of God. God’s love has no limits and does not bind us to a set of rules and laws. God’s love is so unconditional that it allows us to be free to love Him in return. God is good and love wins!

“God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave us His only begotten (unique) Son.”
John 3: 16
“He had always loved those in the world who were his own, and he loved them to the very end.”
John 13: 1

Take joy in the journey loving God with all your heart. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink!  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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