Thursday, May 8, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Thursday! All is well here at 811. Today I was involved in treatment planning for radiation. I received temporary tattoos. I will receive the permanent tattoos next Thursday along with a radiation treatment. I will receive radiation at 9:00 am each weekday for six and a half weeks. Each treatment will take 15 minutes.  My two nurses are Grace and Sherry. They are very nice ladies and will take care of me almost all of the time. I met Carl. He is fantastic, funny and like the others on the staff very caring. 

Dear God, Thank you for protecting me with your wonderful love and mighty power. Truly I have no reason to fear. Thank you for preparing me for this stage in my life. I may not understand it all, but I praise your for surrounding me with people who are caring, kind, gentle and compassionate who will graciously lead me through this stage of recovery. I ask your blessings on them as we journey together. Thank you Lord, for all of the prayer warriors who have sacrificed moments of their day to cover me in prayer.  Because Lord, in a situation that totally sucks it has been perfect. Yes, I am nervous about being bombarded with radiation each day, but you will be with me as you have always been to keep me focused on You and your gentle spirit and loving care.  I love you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

This happens to me seemingly when I need it that my nightly meditation perfectly speaks God’s holiness to my soul. Tonight’s title is “No Fear in Love.”  The apostle John witnessed and experienced the love of Jesus first hand. When the events of the passion unfolded before his very eyes his worst fears were realized and then those fears were defeated in the resurrection of Christ. John knew as long as we belong to God we would never have needed to fear.  Being scared is like radiation. It is directed in a localized area.  It lasts for a relatively short time and then it is over. Fear is like chemotherapy and goes throughout your system destroying cancer cells and healthy cells in is path. But God is stronger than any foe we could ever face and God’s perfect love of will always protect. Yes, I have prayed for God to “let this cup to pass from me” and then I have humbly surrendered over to God and said, “Let your will be done.”  What or who could stand against our God who had overcome death?  So radiation…come on… and may the God of tender mercies and perfect love attend me each day. God is good and love wins!

“”There is no fear in love.  V Instead, perfect love drives out fear.”
1 John 4: 18
“We can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper. I will not fear; what can man do to me”?

Take joy in the journey and walk with courage. And Carme…I will not be posting any pictures of tattoos, but I will ask about a pink ribbon one. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink!  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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