from Austin Street
Wednesday! All is well here at 811. It
feels so great to say that.
Dear God,
I thank you for the relationship I have with you. I pray that it will always
continue to flourish. Help me to continue to seek you daily so our intimacy can
grow deeper all of the days of my life. Fill me to overflowing and give me
peace today so that I may bring you glory. The choice to trust or despair has
been before me so many times. Help me to choose trust and faith. Help turn my
mourning into dancing. Lord, I love you so much. In Jesus name, amen.
Today I was
a hall monitor for the state mandated tests that the children take. It is a day
without a phone, book, pencil or paper or any distraction from the job at hand.
The job is to keep the children not taking the test in the halls quiet while
the students taking the test are hard at work. It was a day of quiet. So for
me, it is a great day to pray. So today I took the time to give thanks for the
blessings in my life and for God’s wonderful grace working through the
blessings and trials. Life has been in
turmoil lately. But today I felt at peace. I realize the cancer journey is not yet
over, but there is part of it behind me. It is time to move forward. My
relationship with God is not just about what happened yesterday or two weeks
ago, it is about how I love God and remain in relationship with Him right now
so I am prepared for the next steps of the journey. If I fix my eyes on Jesus I
know the more intimate my relationship with Him will be and even the harshness
of radiation will not dim the light of His Presence in my life. My soul is finding rest because it is filled
with the peace of God’s Spirit. Spending
the day in prayer is a wonderful way to spend the day. God is good and love
“Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the
depths of anyone who believes in me this way just as the scripture says.”
John 7: 18
Take joy in the
journey and drink in the peace and tranquility of God’s holy Presence. Wear
comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene
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