Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday! All is well here at 811. There is cause for celebration.  Bruce was able to successfully apply and receive a new driver’s license today. Has been driving since about 5:00 this afternoon. He is so excited. I was so excited for him. As for me…surgeon’s visit was great. The plan is still for a lumpectomy followed by six weeks of daily radiation 5 days per week and then an anti-hormone drug for 5-10 years to protect from further tumor growth.  The surgery is scheduled for Thursday morning April 10 around 9:00. It is a day surgery at Arlington Memorial.  So wear pink if you visit and plan to have a great time while you are waiting!  You know how Chrystie’s like to party at the hospital. God is good and love wins.

Dear God, I know your love never fails. Help me to give my best bearing, believing, hoping, and enduring all things in your love. Lord, it is an honor to serve you. Lord, the surgery plans have been made by those who are expert in the field of medicine. But I also was blessed to know that these brilliant scientists are also people of faith. Thank you for placing me in the hands of a team of healers who look to you as the Master Healer and will work not only with their knowledge and hands, but with hearts and souls being led by your Holy Spirit. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

In the quiet moments of the day and the surgical visit came closer I began to repeat  “I love you Lord. I trust you. I love you Lord. I trust you.”  These phrases helped bring calmness to me. I began to think on God’s faithful acts of love and was reminded of the scripture in 1 Corinthians.  When you read the passage from Corinthians replace the word love with the word Jesus. Love bears all things.  Jesus faithfully bears our weaknesses and gives us the strength to joyfully bear one another’s burdens and help others. Love Believes all things.  Jesus believes our lives were worth the sacrifice and call us to proclaim the gift of salvation as the good news of Jesus. God believes us to be worthy of the investment in our lives to proclaim this good news. Love Hopes all things.  The hope of salvation is paramount in our life as believers, but the hope and assurance that Christ is with us in all we do is the hope we cling to in our everyday life.  Love Endures all things.  Jesus endured the horrors of the cross so that we might have eternal life by faith and hope. It is then incumbent for each of us to attempt to live a life of faithfulness and give God the glory in all ways and situations. God’s acts are given in faithfulness and His love is unfailing.  

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures al things.”
1 Corinthians 13: 7
“Let whoever is wise pay attention to these things and consider the LORD’s acts of faithful love.”
Psalm 107: 43

Take joy in the journey believing, bearing, hoping and enduring with love and giving glory to God even when it is really hard. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink!  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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