Monday, March 31, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Monday! All is well here at 811.  I spent parts of today getting the necessary paperwork together for the surgeon’s visit on Wednesday. Bruce continues to make steady progress and is being so very supportive of me.  Thank you to all who are praying, sending cards and being so supportive during this time. Your words of encouragement and prayers are so wonderful. Thank you all so very much.

Dear God, I want to live a life worthy of you. Help me to choose words and actions that honor you. Thank you for loving me and comforting me when I feel so vulnerable. As you are sovereign over my life and all the events I go through,  may others see your most powerful love and seek you as their Lord and Savior. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Going to the surgeon is about step 5 in the 1000 step journey. I went about collecting paperwork, pathology reports and the CD filled with the imaging the doc needs. This whole situation is becoming more real with every moment. I have moments when I am busy and taking care of business and then I sit down and become aware of the realities. Many times this happens in the car. But Carme says that is what the car is for.  My Sarah Young devotion from yesterday was so reassuring. They opening sentence was “I AM TAKNG CARE OF YOU. Trust in me at all times.  Trust me in all circumstances. Trust me with all your heart.” God seems to know exactly when I need him the most and rushes to comfort me. God is near when we are crushed, brokenhearted and most vulnerable.  In the moments just after I brought the news to Casey that he had incurable cancer he said, “I’ll beat this!” In the moments between the news and his statement of faith he felt shock and powerlessness.  His statement of faith was the confirmation not only of the strength of conviction, but the strength of Christ within him and he was comforted.  I am comforted by God’s holy word and “I will be just fine.” 

Sometimes it is difficult to allow someone comfort us as we may look at this as a sign of weakness. The truth is that when we allow God to comfort us we invite His mercy to heal our hearts. When others see we have been comforted by the living God. When we offer comfort to others it is then we see and experience the compassion of our God of love, grace and understanding. God is good and love wins!

“The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Psalm 34: 18
“The LORD’S people nay suffer a lot, but he will always bring them safely through.”
Psalm 34: 19
Take joy in the journey and allow our God who understands suffering to bring comfort to each of us. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink!  Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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