Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Happy Wednesday! All is well here at 811.  In preparation for the first oncology visit tomorrow I needed to pick the recorded images of the ultra sound. I have been blessed with a nurse navigator who checks in on me frequently to make sure I have what I need for this journey and making sure I have done what I am supposed to do. Geni and I discovered that this wonderful woman with a lovely lilting Irish accent was one of Casey’s nurses on the oncology floor. She even says, “A wee bit…”  Anyway, she called today making sure I had received the diagnosis. I asked her to put one of her cards in the envelope with the CD. When I arrived at the mammography office she had prepared a pink bag for me with loads of information about breast cancer including an organizer, a pen, a pink ribbon stick pin and pink ribbon pendant. While it is a ton of information her kindness warmed my heart. I was reminded of her sweet caring spirit and her part in the fight.  She too walks with me.  I am very blessed.  God is good and love wins.

Dear God, thank you that what matters most to you is my heart. Help me to love you more so that I may please you. Thank you for protecting me and teaching me courage through your wonderful love. With you in this fight I have no reason to fear. You know me well Lord. I am concerned and anxious about the unknowns ahead, but I am not afraid. I firmly believe that you are with me and that this disease and the challenges it presents  will be used for your highest good. I ask for courage to equal the tasks ahead. I ask that my body can withstand whatever treatment and surgery is to come. I ask you Lord to look down on me and soak me in your tender mercies and stir up the faith gift of Jesus in me, my family and friends as they walk with me. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

The title of my meditation tonight is FEAR NOT! What an interesting topic before my first visit to the oncologist!  I have recently begun reading a devotional book of a journey through breast cancer. After each reading it asks a series of questions. One of the questions was how did you receive the words, “You have cancer.”  Answer:  I was able to receive these words because I kind of knew that was going to be the diagnosis. Then the next question, “What hindsight did you have to receive these words and was God with you?” Answer:  I was able to receive these words for myself because I had to say these words to our son when he was diagnosed. In truth for me to hear these words for myself was far easier than hearing them regarding Casey. John 4: 18 explains fear, “God’s perfect love drives out fear.” For me this teaching says that before anything happens to me it must first pass through the loving hand of God. Fear is a very destructive emotion and can cause our lives to crater. Staying in the perfect love of God may not remove the situation, but God’s perfect love is the eye of the storm where calmness and protection from fear lives. My prayer for each of you is that fear will not rule your life and the perfect love of God will soak into every pore of your soul and drive away fear and bring you calmness and peace. 

“I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalm 34: 4

Take joy in the journey and fear not! Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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