Sunday, March 23, 2014

Greetings from Austin Street
Blessed Sunday to you all. All is well here at 811. I received the most wonderful pink treat basket basket from my best friend Carme. She is a breast cancer survivor. She has shared things from her journey including her survivor’s bracelet. I have put it away for safe keeping and will wear it when surgery is completed. I am wearing a beautiful pink ribbon necklace , they symbol for breast cancer.  These things kept her spirits up and made her feel better as she walked the path of recovery. She has been my friend for over 30 years and we have shared many remarkable things and now we share this journey. Say a special prayer for her as she continues grieving the death of her beloved David.

Dear God, I want to praise you and adore you and sing songs of joy for all of my life.  When I worship you I give you the glory. Lord, the burden of disease I carry is ever present in my thoughts, but You walk with me making the load lighter. I give thanks that I am yoked together with you for this journey.  I pray and claim your very word that you are our refuge and our strength and I place my hope in you. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

This morning in worship I sang the old hymn His Eye is on the Sparrow. Bruce and I were travelling down Cooper Street on the day of the biopsy listening to Pandora Radio.  I found myself singing along with the artist and realized these words were soaking into my soul. It was as if God was speaking His very word into my heart telling me that He would take care of me. One of the phrases even says, “His tender words I hear…I lose my doubts and fears.”  The words of this old hymn speak of powerful faith and trust that if God even cares for the sparrow and watches me I should not let my heart be troubled.  Even though the challenges of the coming weeks and maybe months are in my every thought God will be with me. God promises that I will be enabled to cope with any and all procedures and treatments strengthening me for the tasks ahead as I continue to look with trust in Him. The God we love, worship, trust and place our hope is true to His promises and has given me a rock solid foundation on which to place my trust.  God is good and love wins!

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
Psalm 46:1
“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I again praise Him for the help of His presence.”
Psalm 42: 5
Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint and that God is with us. Wear comfortable shoes, get some sleep and think pink! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene

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