Friday, September 27, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Friday!  All is well at 811. Friday night here contained pizza, Star Trek:  Into the Darkness, snuggle time on the couch with Bruce, Luther and Jackson.  Life is good! At the end of the movie I asked Bruce the time; he said, “twenty minutes until ten.”  How awesome is that!! God is good and love wins!

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.”

Psalm 37: 4

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

2 Chronicles 16:9

May I never again take for granted the simple joy of a Friday night snuggled on the couch with Bruce. May I never again take for granted the precious talking, speaking or even the quiet closeness of watching a movie. Whoever thought that Bruce looking at his watch and being able to speak the time accurately in correct language would almost reduce me to tears of joy and thanksgiving.  These are just a few of the daily things I count as great joy.  Part of my prayer time each day is devoted to my lengthy prayer list of friends and family who I hold in prayer, and yes, Bruce is always at the top of the list.  When the sorrow in my own soul had begun taking over my thoughts and actions I began to pray for God to free my soul from the sadness.  I thought of the song Geni used to sing titled, “Deliver Me. “ I heard her voice singing, “Deliver me from all of the sadness…and ending with the words, Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him…”   My soul began to awaken to the joy of the Presence of God and remembering to give thanks for the blessings and focus less on the struggle.  The struggle is still there, but I am looking at the struggle through the eyes of my Savior and when I do I am strengthened because I see the face of Jesus.

The life I thought I was meant to lead may not be the life I get to lead. That ministry and the way I believed it to be enacted is a little blurry now. I would love for things to be as they were on July 15.  Our life (Bruce and mine) will never be the same again and we may both walk a different path that we had never imagined. Both of us were changed on that night.  But here is what I know; as I continue to trust (daily) I will not have to choose between enjoying a life with God and the gifts, graces and blessings God provides. The gifts, graces and blessings God provides will guide whatever life I am meant to lead. The lessons learned in the struggle are the ones that transform us and make us fit to serve in the kingdom of God. As long as I place all of my priorities in conversation and collaboration with God then the choices and the path will be very clear even though they may not be what I thought before.  And I will take joy in the journey.  Get some sleep. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene


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