Thursday, September 26, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Thursday!  All is well at 811 Austin Street. I had breakfast with Travis and dinner with Bruce and Geni.  It has been a wonderful day! Bruce had a good day at rehab. He is learning to speak slower and the first sounds of words he wishes to say are happening more frequently. I would ask a special prayer for my brother Ken. Tomorrow is his last day to be the Superintendent of Allen IDS. He retires tomorrow. I think he is celebrating by attending the Allen football game tomorrow night. He begins a new chapter in his life and is returning to teaching at the university level and a little more fishing!

“Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.”

John 16: 22

Rediscovering the joy inside of our hearts takes the sting out of sorrow. Sadness does not last forever even though it may seem that way.  Life brings ups and downs. When I speak to young couples just starting out I tell them that it is not going to be strawberries and cream and lovin’ all the time. There will be times of struggle and uncomfortableness. But this is not time wasted because this time is the time to continue to trust in God. One of the lessons I have learned in the last few months is that faith is what we call on when we need deliverance, but trust is what we live on every day.  Trust is our constant belief and claim of truth that God is with us in times of great joy, times of deepest despair and all of the times in between. When we remember that we stand in the Presence of God and His unfailing love all the time then the fullness of joy can be claimed even when we are reduced to tears or found in gales of laughter.  God is good and love wins!

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, casting our cares upon the LORD and get some sleep. God is up all night anyway so there is no reason for all of us to be awake! Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene



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