Thursday, September 12, 2013

Greetings from Austin Street

Happy Thursday! It is happy if you are a Texas Tech Fan. For the TCU Horned Frogs it is going to be a long quiet trip home. It is rare that Bruce complains, but tonight he complained of a headache and his vision. I am not sure if one is connected to another, but I am going to look for an ophthalmologist and see if we can get a better picture of what is going on with his vision.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

Psalm 19: 14

I have spoken these words prior to preaching a sermon.  When I speak these ancient words of the psalmist I am speaking them in prayer. When I am in prayer I am in the presence of God. I love the warmth and assurance that washes over me when I speak these words. I am asking God not only to bless what I am about to say, but that He will remain with me.  God is Immanuel, meaning God with us, ever present no matter what the situation or the time. In the ever presence of God we find refuge and discover within ourselves the growing ability to trust in the unfailing love of God. The closer we come into relationship with God we learn more and more about how God’s faithfulness is far greater than our faith. God’s never ending storehouse of grace comes from His overflowing love.  Stay close to God and learn of our Rock and Redeemer.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares upon the LORD and get some sleep. God is up all night anyway and there is no reason for all of us to be awake. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene





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