Sunday, July 14, 2013

Happy Saturday!

Geni and crew safely made it to Florida. She sent a beautiful picture from Biloxi this morning and the beach right outside their hotel. No pictures from Destin yet.  She is asking for prayer for the weather. According to the weatherman it is supposed to rain the whole time they are there. No fun!  

Pray for good weather for these folks. This trip has been planned for over two years. It would be so sad if all of their plans got soaked! 

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for Your unfailing love. In You all things hold together. When I empty my heart of all things not of You then there is more of You in it and Your leading and voice are easier to hear and follow. My faith is strong even when sometimes I am sad. Help me to be thankful when it is not easy and my connection to You will be so much stronger. Forgive me when I let the enemy get inside. Remind me to seek Your face. Lord, in Your mercy, hear this prayer. Amen.

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.”

Psalm 143: 8

God is our Creator and Savior and every breath we take is a gift from God. It is only right and proper that each day we wake up thinking of God in thankfulness no matter how we are feeling. Our lives often feel pulled in so many directions. Let our priorities be to spend time with God as the most important thing we do each day. This practice helps us to stay in communication with our Creator.  The more we do this the more God can show us the way we should go.

Take joy in the journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, give thanks with a heart filled with gratitude, let us cast our cares on the Lord and get some sleep.  God is up all night anyway so there is no reason for all of us to be awake too. Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer request: Please pray for me and the congregation in Hurst as I bring the Word and reflection to them tomorrow. Thanks. gc

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