Blessed Sunday to
you all!
Wonderful worship at
Rush Creek this morning. The choir sang Majesty
combined with Come Christians, Join
to Sing. Dr. Newell Williams, Pres.
of Brite Divinity School, preached a wonderful sermon. His message was based on the passage from Luke 9 where Jesus
is trying to get to Jerusalem through Samaria. They would not let Him through
because “He had His face set toward Jerusalem.” (v. 51) Further on in the
passage of scripture: “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking
back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (v.62) The cost of discipleship is quite
steep. Once we begin following Jesus we cannot stop and we must never turn back. Great
Prayer: God of the
day of worship. God of the day of singing praise. God of the table of
remembrance. Thank You for being present in our worship, singing, and sharing
of the sacred Word and sacrament. Thank You for those who preach Your Word with
authority and reverence, and thank You that we get to share this time with
friends who love You. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
“The eyes of the LORD are on those who
fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.”
Psalm 33: 18
The first sentence
in my devotional passage tonight is “MY EYES ARE ON THOSE WHOSE HOPE IS IN My
unfailing Love.” To enjoy the abundant life God has planned for us it is vital
that we have hope. The key to this hope is to choose well the object of this
hope. One of my most favorite songs has a line that says, “When I turn my gaze
to people they just let me down.” We cannot put our hope in money, or people,
or possessions because they are all temporal. The best choice we can ever make
is to fix our hope on the unfailing love of God. Romans 8 tells us that neither life, nor
death, things present, things to come can separate us from this love of God.
The sacred Word tells us that those who put their hope in God are those whom
God watches over with special care and unfailing love. When it is hard to not
place our hope in worldly things then we must persevere in the practice of
placing our hope in the One who remains in the midst of our every moment, breath
and situation offering perfect, unfailing love.
Take joy in the
journey remembering that hope does not disappoint. Wear comfortable shoes, pray
with a heart filled with gratitude, cast you care upon God and get some sleep.
God is up all night anyway so there is no need for both of you to be awake.
Love you all, Bruce and Gaylene.
I am not moved by
what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe
and I believe God.
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