Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Tuesday! 

Today was my final preaching class and my final class in Psalms. The final class in Psalms was entirely focused on prayer.  It was such a wonderful way to close out such a great semester.  I have loved all three classes and learned so very much.  In all three classes I have been able to put new found knowledge to use. 

The next week is going to be busy. I have two papers left to write; one in Psalms and one in Grief and Loss.  I will have seven hours on a train on Friday and a return trip of seven hours on Sunday and will hopefully get some writing done.  I will be riding the train to San Antonio to perform the wedding for our nephew and his fiancé.  The wedding is on Saturday at the Japanese Tea Gardens.  I will get to see Carme and Dave.   

Prayer:  “Dear Lord, I bless You on this morning for being with me all the time.  I thank You that whether I am on the mountaintop or in the valley.  You are there.  I pray this morning that I will live out my faith today.  I pray my life will be known as a living testimony for You.  May I be able to comprehend the privileges afforded to me by You. Amen.”

1 Thessalonians 5: 17, 18  “Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

My favorite moment in the Kairos Weekend is when we go into the prison for closing.  The free world folks come into the gym followed by the residents and the inside the team who sit across the gym.  The free world people and the residents are all wearing large cardstock nametags with print large enough to see across the room.  Each of the support staff has been praying for one or two of the residents by name throughout the weekend.  The residents have been praying for each of the support staff during the weekend.  When the residents enter the gym they immediately begin to look for the name of their prayer partner.  Each of the support staff looks for their partner(s) as well.  It is such a touching moment filled with emotion for both groups.

It is such a tender moment when the residents place a name with the face of the one who has been praying for them for several days.  They are amazed that someone would pray for them without knowing who they are or even care what they have done.  The residents are children of God and are in just as much in need of the hope found in prayer as we who live in the free world. 

All who believe can come to God at anytime for anything.  For all of us it is such a joyful privilege of being in communion with God.  We can come to God with a thankful heart. Going to God with a thankful heart helps all of us no matter where we live and whatever our circumstances to live each day in Jesus name. 

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

Take joy in the journey.  Wear comfortable shoes.  Count your blessings and say your prayers.  Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

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