Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter Monday!

Prayer: “Father, as I begin this new day I give you praise and thanksgiving for a good night’s sleep. Thank you, heavenly Father, for the opportunities You will place in my path throughout this day. Help me to be sensitive to Your Spirit that I might use godly influence in the lives of those I encounter this day. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

Zechariah 4: 6 This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.

My meditation tonight tells the story of God’s vision to Zechariah. God presented a Word to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah. God also presented a lampstand in the tabernacle with extra features. The lampstand collected a continual supply of oil from two trees which kept the lamps burning. This golden lampstand symbolized God’s purpose for the Jewish nation to becoming a light unto the Gentiles.

The Holy Spirit is like the lampstand. The Holy Spirit is a constant supply for us today. Even when we are weak it does not keep God from pouring out the Holy Spirit in our lives. God is not hindered by our weakness or enabled by our strength. Sometimes we get caught up in relying on ourselves for everything. This makes us weak. Instead we need to call on God first when we are in need of help. God wants the Holy Spirit to provide power through we who believe. The Apostle Paul finally understood that all of his intellectual knowledge and his status in the land was nothing compared to the mighty power of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. It was this realization that caused Paul to write Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

So let’s make a deal…the next time something happens to royally upset the apple cart of our lives whether it seems trivial and aggravating or serious drama, let us go to God first. Let us each stop and take a breath. Breathe in the Holy Spirit’s power that will calm us down allowing us to stop and listen for the voice of God to speak and guide us back on the track. I need all of you to pray this for me as the semester is rapidly coming to a close with projects and papers coming one on top of the other. I pray for clear thinking and a spirit of calm. Also, one more prayer, please, as I preach in preaching class tomorrow afternoon. Thank you. (I know…I know…take a breath Gaylene!)

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.

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