Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Bruce and I made a trip to Howe to see Dad today. Dad looked well. Just like the rest of us, he has had moments of “everything is okay” and moments of deep sadness over the loss of Mom. Today was one of those “things are okay.”

Sheena, me and any of the girls who want to be there are going to meet on Saturday morning to begin to box up, pack up and take away some of Mom’s things, particularly her clothing, shoes and purses. We will divide these things among ourselves and the remainder will go to a Women’s Crisis Center in Sherman. Daddy told me he really does not need those things around when others can get good use from them. I am expecting some laughter, tears and more than a few “I didn’t know she had that,” as we perform this bittersweet task.

As for me, I am already recalling the times I would go into her closet in the hopes that she would have something I could borrow to wear for a specific occasion. Or the times she somehow anticipated that I was in need of an article of clothing to teach in or preach in and already had it picked out for me. I always called these times “shopping in Mom’s closet.” We shared similar tastes in clothes and liked many of the same colors. Mom could nearly always shop for me without me being present secure in the knowledge that the style, color and size would be perfect and I would love it. She had wonderful taste in clothes and even though we were not exactly the same size I often wondered if she bought some of her things with thoughts of “Gaylene might need this or Gaylene could teach in this or preach in this.” Her taste was impeccable. One small regret I have is that we could not share shoes. Our sizes were different and she had lots and lots of shoes, though she did not like purple! (Sad day.)

Prayer: “Lord, I want You to be in control of this day. Please help me to live this day without regret. Thank you for another opportunity to rest in You. Amen.”

2 Corinthians 7: 10 “For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation and not to be regretted, but the sorrow of the world produces death.”

Today was a day of sadness, anger, shock and disbelief on the campus of TCU. How amazing it is that the choices and actions made by a few have affected a campus of just under 10,000 students. Those who, due to their decisions to use drugs, have caused problems in the lives of other students, faculty, staff and their families are in the beginning stages of the punishments that will follow them. What they may not know is that the problems they have created may stay with them for the remainder of their lives. I am sure these students are experiencing sadness. These students will be forgiven, but will they repent? In the days following their arrest, trials and possible criminal punishments, will they understand the importance of repentance? True repentance means the recognition of the sin followed by heartfelt sorrow and sincere remorse for the pain that has been caused. I am not sure how these students will recover, but I know that they can be made right with God through the act of repentance. I would hope that these children of God would wish they could “undo” the wrongs done and go back to the moment when the wrong choices began, but since they cannot then somehow they must begin afresh through asking forgiveness, being repentant and making changes in their lives through a repentant spirit.

It is only by God’s grace that forgiveness and repentance can be achieved. God will give these students and us the courage to humbly ask for forgiveness and will remain with us through the refreshing of our lives through the journey of repentance. Tonight I ask you to pray for these students, their families, all of the student body, administrators, teaching staff and all others associated with this fine university in their sorrow and grief. May they face the time of the rebuilding of trust through forgiving hearts inspired by God and the action of the Holy Spirit.

Take joy in this tough journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe and I believe God.


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