Happy Saturday!
Last evening Travis competed in the deadlift competition at the Metroflex Gym here in Arlington. He won the teen men’s division with a lift of 620 pounds. I text messaged my principal and she said, “That’s a whole cow!” Congrats Trav! But here is the thing. We have now been to a few of these competitions and there were many firsts for all of us last night. First, this is not a gym where you look cute. This is a blood, sweat and tears gym. Hard work goes on in this place. The first thing you notice is the huge cross bearing the words King of Kings and Lord of Lords on the cross pieces. The next thing you observe is the vast amount of scripture verses painted on the walls and the gym motto is “The true strong man knows where real power comes from.” The owner of the gym is a man by the name of Brian Dobson who began the meet with prayer. The entry fee for spectators was $5.00 and that included the food cooked tailgate style outside in the parking lot. Then Mr. Dobson announced that all of the spectators fees and the registration fees for the competitors was all going to a ministry at his church (and his pastor was there) that took backpacks full of toys and other items that are age appropriate to a village down in Matamoros, Mexico. Most amazing thing I have been to in a long time. The sportsmanship and the encouragement given to each competitor by each athlete and the spectators was inspiring.
1 John 2:15-16 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world…For all that is in the world…is not of the Father, but is of the world.”
Even though the event of last evening was a worldly event with men and women trying to out-lift each other, it was an exercise where each tried to increase their personal best, with the bar set higher than the weight each athlete was striving for. Each of the athletes was judged not only according to the value of the weight on the bar, but by the values of heaven. They did seek the praise of their peers, but more than that, because God was invited to the competition and was within the hearts of the athletes, there was never any booing, jeering or poor sportsmanship. There was instead a strong sense of each competitor being encouraged to do their best with the support of their fellow competitors and the audience. When someone struggled with the weight they were attempting to lift, the owner of the gym and event announcer, Brian, encouraged the lifter to keep trying and when a lifter could not lift the weight on the bar, Brian applauded the athlete, along with the audience, and said “You will get it next time.”
I don’t think most of the world treats its competitors with this kind of value system. Disciples of Jesus (that’s us) must ever seek to set aside the valuation of the world, and judge only according to the values of Heaven. So when the situation is difficult and human help is failing, keep very close to God and let His hand raise you up.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes. Count your blessings and say your prayers. See you in worship. And let us continue to lift each other us in prayer daily. Love you, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
PS My final worship class research paper is on a particular worship type that interests me. I am writing about the celebration service I wrote for Casey. Please pray for me to be able to order my thoughts and say what needs to be said as I write this paper. It is due on Wednesday. Thank you for your prayers. gc
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