Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Thursday!

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Tonight I printed off the last of the sheet music, loaded the accompaniment CD, sent the final order of music to Sheena to send to the sound man at the place where the wedding is to be held. The groom is on his way to pick up the bride at the airport and the Helvey household is abuzz with pre-wedding activities. Bruce and I will leave for Mom and Dad’s sometime tomorrow and Geni and Travis will arrive on Saturday after Travis’ mid-term.

Imagine if you will a wedding 2000 years ago. A wedding in Cana where the entire town has been invited as guests and the end of the week is nearing and the wine is running out. This family has probably watered down the wine as far as it could go and even that is running out. They need a miracle. Enter Jesus and His mother Mary. The announcement that the party is running out of wine has been mentioned to the host within the hearing of Jesus and Mary. All of a sudden Mary knows what to do. She looks at the wine stewards and simply tells them to do what Jesus says.

“Simply do what He says.” Is that what seeking first the kingdom of God means? The scripture says that if we seek the kingdom of God then His richest blessings will be added to us. The scripture doesn’t say we are to be perfect, but it does say that we need to seek God’s perfection, His kingdom in our lives.

The two young people in our family are about to embark on the journey of their lives. Their first steps after barely shaking the rice out of their hair will be a time of separation. Cody must return to Hawaii to his military duties and Asenath must return to Lubbock (I know Lubbock or Hawaii? Duh!!!) to complete school and graduate. My prayer for them is that they will seek God as their source of comfort and strength and that they will seek Him first when they miss each other more than they can imagine. I pray they remember that weddings last for only a day, but marriages are a lifetime adventure. The vows they take on Sunday are vows they do not make to each other, but to God, the author and creator of marriage. The promises to be faithful, enduring, kind, loving and forgiving are all ways to seek the Kingdom of God. His righteousness is simply doing what He says to do in the way He asks you.

So to those who are just getting started on this journey and to those of us who have journeyed for many years my prayer for each of us is “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, count your blessings and say your prayers. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

PS As we will be out of internet range until our return. I will not write again until Monday. I will miss you all. Have a great weekend. Peace, gc

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