Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

Galatians 6:10 "Whenever we have the opportunity we should do good to everyone."

As you can tell my Bible Study lately has been on love. I am not sure if it is because of the upcoming Valentine's Day, but I am enjoying the lessons and scripture passages on love. Love is to be put into practice on a daily basis. We need to practice love in our families, at work and in our churches. Love also needs to be practiced on those we do not know. Think about Jesus and how He raised up the outcast woman in love, brought sight to the blind man and brought His love to Zacchaeus, the hated tax collector and how He brought Zacchaeus into His loving presence by coaxing him out of a tree inviting him to dine with Him at the table of grace.

Jesus knew that His time to model and show true love to those was now. Jesus knew His time was limited and whenever the opportunity to love someone was made available then He must take the opportunity immediately. I figure Jesus knew He had about three years to perform this task. Are we called to the same task?

Absolutely! We are given no guarantees for tomorrow. Life happens and things change. Children move away, people die and people become separated for lots of reasons. We must take the opportunity each time it comes available to show God's love through Jesus Christ to those who cross our paths. Loving someone is never a waste of our time and just as my new Kairos friend found out, everyone is deserving of our love. We may not like the choices they have made in their lives, but they are always in need of the love of God found in Jesus Christ and modeled by each of us. After all, God probably does not like some of the choices we have made, but He never held His love back from us. How can we do anything less for others?

Take joy in the journey. Count your blessings and wear comfortable shoes. Love you so very much, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.

I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.

Prayer alert! Please pray travel to all who must drive to work and school tomorrow.

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