Happy Tuesday!
Today it was wet, raining and cold. I had car line duty at school. My room wasn’t very warm either. All I wanted to do was get home to my warm and cozy house. I was at Loop 820 before my feet began to thaw and my hands warmed up. When I got home, it was warm and Geni and Travis and I sat down and ate dessert with some new coffee I had purchased and we had a fun time around the table just talking and laughing. I am sure the temperature in the house warmed up even more with the fun and fellowship had around our table. The cold day turned into a wonderful, warm time and I stayed warm for the rest of the evening.
Daniel 6:16 “May the God you serve all the time save you.”
Here it is the first of December. There are Christmas movies on so many stations. The mall has been decorated for seemingly months, I placed a new wallpaper on the promethean board in my classroom and I broke out the Christmas box of activities for the month of December. My thoughts turn to decorating, music and my final exam that I will receive tomorrow afternoon.
As I read this verse I was reminded of the song written and performed by Mark Lowery, Mary Did You Know? One of the lines in the piece asks the question: ”Mary did you know, that this child that you’ll deliver will soon deliver you?” Mary was so young and in such a strange situation. Mary was from a small town, poor, pregnant, unmarried, betrothed to a man who was not the father of her child and was being asked by the creator of the universe to be the mother of the Son of God. (Soap operas got nothing on the Bible!) And yet, Mary obediently followed the path of God’s will for her life. I am sure she took the ridicule, the whispers of the townspeople, realized the humiliation her family faced and the heartbreak of Joseph who loved her so very much. And yet, Mary obediently followed the path of God’s will for her life and the life of her child.
Mary served God the only way she knew how. Mary prayed. She surrendered herself over to the will of the Father. God honored Mary’s obedience and willingness to serve by returning Joseph to her. The stories tell us that Joseph was several years older than Mary. Mary was going to need a mature person to help her raise Jesus. Joseph also acted in obedience when, instead of divorcing her, he faced the trails of being an unmarried father and taking Jesus as his own son knowing that Jesus was not a son of his body. Mary and Joseph served God and provided for them and His Son. The angels heralded the birth of this holy child signifying the deity of Jesus and the Shepherds found Him in the lowly manger representing His humanity.
Joseph and Mary faced difficult trials as the parents of Jesus. They followed the path of obedience and God delivered them each time. Do you suppose they ever thought that this child they would raise, love and care for would be the Savior of the world and bring them to salvation?
How about us? Is our path of obedience worthy enough for the salvation of God? I can tell you that it isn’t, but, by the grace of God though Jesus, when we serve or when we stumble and fall God still brings us to His salvation.
Take joy in the journey. Wear comfortable shoes, a warm coat and carry an umbrella. Love you all, Bruce, Gaylene, Geni and Travis.
I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe and I believe God.
PS The new coffee is called Mistletoe Joe? It is delicious.
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